Getting visitors 

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It's been two days after having the triplets and u and Jacob are fast asleep on the hospital bed and u wake when someone walks into the room  and u wake up

Thomas: y/n u awake

Yours eyes start to open and u see your brother and Mia

Y/n:hiya Thomas

Thomas: where's the baby's

Y/n: there in the nicu being checked over they said the to boys can come home the my little girl has to stay here until she is able the latch on to a bottle nipple fine the boys did it straight away

Mia: awwww girl I'm sorry but she will get there what did u name them

Y/n: well the eldest we named him after mine and Thomases dad  so it's Daniel Thomas Day and for the other little boy we called him James Jacob Day and for the little girl we named her Gracie-may Daisy Day

Thomas: u named of them after are dad awww little sis I love you

The doctors come in with the two boys and say they are ok to go home with us

Y/n: can I go and see my little girl before I leave

U get up and walk to the nicu u get there and see your little girl with a heart monitor and wires all around her

Y/n: my little girl I will be there everyday for u to hold your little hand I will help u get strong and I will take u home u can be with your older brothers and play with the doggies I love u my little girl

U walk back to the room and see all your stuff has been packed and the baby's are in there car seats and then we leave

A/n hope u like this chapter put some ideas in comments bye Huns

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