Chapter 6

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After a challenging day, most people would opt for a soothing shower, cosying up in bed with a warm drink, and letting a comforting podcast lull them to sleep.

But Kenzo Ikari was anything but ordinary.

Tonight, Kenzo had a different plan to chase away his blues. He stormed into Shin's apartment without even bothering to knock.

Shin Nakamura, his best friend, lay sprawled on the couch, a striking figure with a mop of handsome brown hair that seemed to defy gravity. His doe-brown eyes were fixed intently on the movie playing on the screen. Dressed casually in a tank top and loose shorts, Shin's relaxed posture and quiet charm made him the kind of guy who could turn heads without even trying. His easy smile and warm, inviting personality were the reasons Kenzo had been friends with him for so long.

"Get up, loser," Kenzo ordered. "We're going out."

Shin looked up, puzzled by Kenzo's sudden intrusion. "What's up with you? Rough day at the fight club?"

Kenzo nodded and grabbed Shin by the arm. "Yeah, and I need a drink to wash it all away."

Shin groaned, realising he wouldn't get much choice in the matter.

He wasn't usually the type to go out and preferred a quiet lifestyle but he would make a few sacrifices every so often for his best friend.

"Fine, but you're buying. Let me get ready first."

As soon as Shin was ready, they left the apartment, heading for a nearby bar, hoping for a night that would help them forget the troubles of the day.


The bar was a dimly lit refuge from the chaos of the day, the low hum of chatter and clinking glasses creating a comforting ambiance. Kenzo and Shin settled into their usual corner booth, a place that had witnessed many of their shared triumphs and heartaches.

As they perused the menu, Kenzo's mind wandered back to the unusual encounter earlier. The enigmatic figure, the mention of the League of Villains—it all seemed like something out of a comic book. He couldn't shake the feeling of being pulled back into a world he thought he'd left behind.

Shin, ever perceptive, noticed Kenzo's distracted state. He leaned forward, resting his chin on his folded arms. "You seem off today," he remarked, raising an eyebrow. "What's going on in that overworked brain of yours?"

Kenzo hesitated, swirling the condensation on his glass with his finger. "I had a run-in with someone at the club earlier. A hooded guy with a proposition I couldn't quite make sense of."

Shin's interest was piqued. He always enjoyed hearing about Kenzo's adventures, even if they were now confined to the underground fight club scene. "A proposition? Tell me more. Don't leave me hanging here."

Kenzo recounted the encounter in more detail, describing the villain's casual demeanour, the strange reference to a "test," and how he'd been handed an unmarked envelope.

But leaving out the threat that had been made towards his friend.

Shin's brows furrowed with concern. "That doesn't sound good, man."

Kenzo sighed. "That's not all. They told me to join the League of Villains."

Shin's eyes widened in surprise. "The League of Villains? Isn't that... you know, bad?"

Kenzo nodded, his expression heavy. "Yeah, it is. That's why I need to talk to Nezu about it. It's time to accept his offer to teach at UA."

Shin whistled lowly. "That's some mysterious stuff, man. Could become real bad real fast. But it's your choice, of course. I'm just excited for some potential drama in our otherwise mundane lives."

Aero (a BNHA OC story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon