The fall

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One by one. One by one they lost their wings. One by one they lost their halos. One by one they fell. But only one angel cried and yelled to let them stay. And god didn't listen, instead she got the angels husbands to push the angel down to hell as a punishment to the now fallen angel. And whipped the memories of the fallen angel from all the other angels memoriesw. It was as if they never existed. But one angel new something was missing, his love.

Down in hell 6000 years later was Lord Beelzebub or prince Beelzebub. they was harsh on the working demons but only because they were trying to forget the love of their life, an Archangel, something that was forbidden, a demon and angel falling in love.

"My disgrace, you have a meeting with the Archangel Gabriel. He says its very important and it cannot wait" dagon said as she rushed into the room, "ugh fine, it better be quick" lord Beelzebub said as they got up and rose up to the front office of heaven, The demon started bouncing up and down because it was holy grounds. "I have a meeting with the archangel Gabriel, pleazzze let me though" The lord asked the angel, "Yes you do have a meeting with him, its down the hall 3rd door to the left" the angel reply, "thankzz" The demon buzzed, they hoped over to the angel's office and knocked, a "come in" was heard from the other side of the door, "please have a seat Lord Beelzebub" Gabriel said in his sweet tone, the demon sat down straight with feet not reaching the floor.

"What do you want Archangel" Beelzebub asked with hatefulness, "Theirs something missing" he replied, "what do you mean zzomethingz Mizzzing" they buzzed the question, "in my life since you all fell something has been missing. Well i know that my love, my partner has gone and i think its you" he pointed with both his fingers, "No, that was 6000 years ago! IT WAS WIPED FROM YOUR MEMORY!!"

The small lord yelled aloud as they stood on the chair, other angels gathered into the room to see what was happening, "ITS IMPOSSIBLE THAT YOU REMEMBER, I WAS REMOVED FROM YOUR MEMORY! AND I FUCKING HATE YOU!" The lord yelled even louder that most of the angels were in the large room. "But i do remember!" The Archangel explained, as they stood up. The lord had tears in their eyes, not knowing what to do Gabriel went to hug them and only when Beelzebub felt the arms around them, started to cry, "no, no, no, no, no, no, no, NO, NO" They scream, "LET GO OF ME. YOU WILL FALL. I DONT WANT YOU TO FALL. LET GO FUCKER" but he didn't let go, the other angels whispered to each other but stoped as soon as god came in.

"Gabriel, let the lord go" God said, Gabriel let go and The lord fell onto the floor trying to get up but can't because of gods power. "What is the meaning of this" she said, "My, the almighty" the angels whispered, "Almighty, i-i-i wa-was jus-"

"IM SORRY GOD.  IT WAS MY FAULT. IF YOU JUST LET ME RETURN TO HELL" The prince of hell said as she tries to get up, "No dear, it was not your fault, it was mine, for not erasing your memories too Lord of the Flies! Prince of HELL, BEELZEBUB" god the almighty yelled, The prince started to cry again, they sobbed onto the floor. A demon has never cried before, nor has an angel yet seeing The small demon cry in pain, the only thing Gabriel could do is cry with them.  "What is this!? Angels should not cry! Nor should demons!" She said, "im sorry God but i love them" Gabriel replied. "I have decided that you to shall be bandished from heaven and hell," god decided, "Im sorry Lucifer," said the crying lord, "im sorry God" said the crying Archangel.

Bebe arose quickly from there sleep, breathing loudly, looking to their side, there laid their husband peacefully sleeping, "I am So Sorry Dear" said Bebe, "but you can not remember" they continue, Bebe ran their hand along his hair and took out the memory of god, heaven, hell and even Beelzebub and replaced them with Bebe, high school, getting a job and marrying Bebe.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2023 ⏰

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