Graduation Day

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TW: Sexual Content

Pretty much anything I post will not be edited. I might get around to it some day, but probably not. 

      Today is the day. I graduate today. I am getting my associate degree today. After this I am transferring to a university to finish getting my bachelor's degree and then my masters. I am studying to be a teacher. The best part of today though is that I will no longer be a student at this community college.

      Don't get me wrong, the school was great. I loved all my courses and most of my professors. The reason I'm excited to leave is because of the Dean. Regina, the 38-year-old brunette has had my heart from the moment I started college. 

      There have been some lingering looks and touches in the past two years. I have spent a lot of time in her office after hours, with what started as helping her with paperwork but turned into long talks and evenings eating dinner together. 

      There may or may not have been a few passionate kisses here and there, but they never turned into anything. We never allowed it to turn into anything. She has always been very cautious about how far things went because of her profession. And I have always been very respectful of her boundaries when she set them. 

      The last kiss was a few months ago and it got very heated. We almost weren't able to stop ourselves. After two years of tension, both sexual and emotional, it was hard to stop once we reached a certain point. Her ex had come in and had really upset her that day and I was concerned. I went to check on her and decided that I would take her out to dinner to cheer her up.

      Dinner had started off with her still a little down and telling me about what happened. Soon enough though, we were eating and talking like we normally would. After dinner, I took her back to her office so she could get to her car to go home. One thing led to another, and I ended up on her desk while she left marks all over my neck and chest. Her phone ringing is what brought us back to reality. She panicked after, rightfully so, and decided space from each other is what we needed.

      I was heartbroken at first because she denied needing space and instead just avoided me. I approached her about it after two weeks and it ended in tears on both sides. I have come to see her side and steered clear for the remaining time. She never defined how long that space was going to last, and I was hoping tonight was the end of it. I would no longer be a student at her school. I am 25, so I was legal and there was nothing stopping us now... I hoped.

       I decided to wear a shorter black dress under my gown and some black wedged sandals with it. I had worn the dress the first time we kissed, and she had mentioned something about not being able to take her eyes off of me in it. I hoped she wouldn't be able to take her hands off of me in it tonight. 

      I was somewhat regretting my outfit decision right now though as it is freezing in the building that we were having the ceremony in. We have made it through the speeches and the first half of the graduation class and I was now the next to walk. My heart is racing because she is the one handing out the degrees and I would have to shake her hand and take a picture with her. This will be the closest we have been in three months. 

      "Serenity Clark..."

      Hearing my name called, the rest of what they said faded to the background. I took a deep breath, smiled, and made my way across the stage. I made eye contact with her and my smile faltered a little. She was staring straight at me with a very intense look on her face. When I made it to her, I grabbed her had to shake it, feeling what felt like a slip of paper being put in my hand. I smiled at the camera and then looked at her.

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