sleep deprivation >>>

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I know someday I'm gonna look back on this and laugh, so hey me, how's it goinnnn??? 😏


Sometimes I think,'Huh, maybe I'm super AND OMG I HATE GRAMMAEJRJRLYN F AJANQINQ GRAMMARLY CAN FIEE DIEE!!!' I didn't get to finish my thought because GRAMMARLY'S STUPUD GREEN LINES MADE ME ANGRY RAHHHHHH!!!!

I feel so gender today. Or do I?? You'll never know WAHAHAHAHHAAA!! Also, I'm thinking of the time Callie (one of our headmates) just went "Wonderhoi mentality." I'll put it at the end of this if I can find the screenshot.

Do you ever randomly feel supperrrrrr motivated?? Because I do all the time. And wow, I'm already at 114 words, YIPPEEE!!! <-- That was the 116th word, and this one is the 123rd.

I love living in Japan but I also hate it at the same time, I'm so far from my family since they don't live here and instead live in the gun and anti-abortion country (you know who you are). But Japan is really cool and I like it a lot! The people here are extremely friendly, and I've grown to be able to find some really great friends who have helped me through a lot! Which I am forever grateful for! (Alright, enough with the Disney main character diolague 😒)



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P.S. Here's the screenshot as promised!

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