Chapter 3

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Pyo-wol hastily brought the plate to his face.

An unidentified smell stimulated his sense of smell. He didn’t know what kind of food it was.

It was clear that the mix of things was probably a collection of leftovers.

Still, it will taste better than the moss that Pyo-wol had ever scraped. In fact, immediately after smelling the food, Pyo-wol’s mouth was constantly drooling.

However, Pyo-wol did not take food for granted. It was the food given to him by the man who imprisoned him here.

He couldn’t tell the contents inside of the food. If it contains poison then he can die. He doesn’t have a choice when it comes to eating moss. However, the situation is different now.

He can choose whether to eat the food in the plate or eat moss. After all, there was still plenty of moss left. So even if he doesn’t eat this food right now, he can still survive for a while.

That thought didn’t stop from saliva drooling from the ends of his mouth. Still, he have time to deliberate about it. He had to get information about the food.

The means to get information in the dark, where a single light does not enter, were extremely limited.

Since he cannot use his vision, which is the most convenient means of obtaining information, then it is necessary to mobilize the next developed sense, which is his sense of smell. 


Pyo-wol took a deep breath, almost sticking his nose to the plate.

A lot of smells mixed in.

It was as if the garbage had been collected in one place, and the various smells were mixed. Some were stinking, some still smelled edible.

If it was the old him, he wouldn’t be able to distinguish the smells mixed together.

Before being imprisoned here, Pyo-Wol was just an ordinary boy. He was just a kid with no talent to stand out.

However, while being trapped here, a great change took place inside him.

He became vigilant and doubted everything.

Even if it’s a minor thing.

Being trapped in an underground space without a single point of light for a long time made Pyo-wol’s sense of smell as sensitive as a hunting dog.

Pyo-wol soon distinguished the odors that could never be distinguished one by one.

He wouldn’t have been capable of doing this before if he was still living on the outside.

Peowol compared the odors he distinguished to those that remained in his memory.

‘This smells like rotten fish and tea leaves. This is pork bone and the remaining shavings.’

The types of food in the small plate were incredibly diverse.

It was incredible that Pyo-wol himself could distinguish all of these smells.

There was no poison mixed in. It was all the residue of food that someone had left behind.

To some, it may be just rotting stinky food, but for him it was a valuable resource that provided a lot of information.

There were more than five types of food that Pyo-wol managed to identify.

It meant that there were enough people to eat at least five kinds of food.

‘As I thought, I wouldn’t be the only one.’

He didn’t think they would have made more than three by three square meter underground all for himself.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2023 ⏰

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