Lonely by Palaye Royale

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White Star was dead........

Everyone soon went back to their usual way of living .....

Cale finally got his slacker life....

Cale after 1 month decided to throw his allies a party to congratulate themand so everyone gathered.

After the party many of Cale's allies decided to stay at the Super Rock villa since they couldn't leave their problem magnet young master-nim alone.

Raon stumbled across a recording and that was the start of the misunderstanding cause he decided to show that recording to everyone and so the Emperor Alberu decided to broadcast it everyone on the eastern and the western continent.

This was a recording of Og Cale...

"Goldie Gramps see what i found!!"

" It is a recording of Cale nya "

" Unlucky bastard sings? "

"Young master used to"

" Lets show this to everyone nya "

And so everyone decided to play it when Cale was sleeping

Recording starts:

[They see a 15 year old Cale crying near a grave..

The grave of the previous Countess..]

"Why is Human crying.. I WILL DESTROY THE WHOLE WORLD?!?!"

[ He starts singing..

So sick and tired of being alone
So long, farewell, I'm on my own ]

"You are not alone doseang you have us now "

[ I'm sorry mom, I've got to go
I dug this grave I call my home
My life don't mean that much to me ]
Everyone knew that Cale stabbed himself and thought that he did it to protect them but who knew that he was suicidal

[So I'm living for you
Yeah, I'm living for you]

Ron remembered his young master's dead eyes.. His young master basically died at that point of time...

[And you can't stand the sight of me]

" Cale... my son.."

[ So what's the point of this
Fucked up catastrophe?
I'm waiting for my time to start
As I waste it
As I waste it ]

Everyone in the eastern and western continent thought it would be a good anti angst recording who knew this would be the case..

[ I pop the pills to waste some time
As I'm faded
As I'm faded ]

Eveyone starts leaving a deathly aura and they make a promise to check the young master's room for pills or such stuff

[ This shit messes with my head
The only home I know is my bed ]

Deruth wants to tell Cale that he now has a proper home

[ Too lazy for suicide ]

Yup this was the last straw ..


Many dragons start leaving dragon aura

The rest are making a plan to cheer Cale up... well atleast this is what the children are thinking.

The adults...well you do not want to know what is on their mind....trust me 😅

[ I just watch the days pass hoping to die
So sick and tired of being alone
So long, farewell, I'm on my own ]

" Human we will never leave you alone from now on "

" Not even if you are in the bathroom "

[ I'm sorry mom, I've got to go
I dug this grave I call my home
So sick and tired of being alone
So long, farewell, I'm on my own
I'm sorry mom, I've got to go
I dug this grave I call my home ]


[ Daydreaming of my funeral
Like who would show, bet no one would go ]

" Yes no one will show up cause you arent going to die "

[ Hey dad, would you show up for me now?
Just to bury your little boy in the ground ]

"Cale my son ... I am sorry"

" Tch what use is apologizing now and Unlucky bastard is my son "

" Ho.. I was young master's father figure when he was young he even made me a father's day card"

" Naru is my son "

[ You broke my heart when you left me ]

" See you broke my Naru's heart "

[ Was just waiting
Was just waiting
I pop these pills to waste some time
As I'm faded
As I'm faded
This shit messes with my head
The only home I know is my bed
Too lazy for a suicide
I just watch the days pass hoping to die ]

Hearing the lyrics repeating made everyone feel even more bad for Cale

[ So sick and tired of being alone
So long, farewell, I'm on my own
I'm sorry mom, I've got to go
I dug this grave I call my home
So sick and tired of being alone
So long, farewell, I'm on my own
I'm sorry mom, I've got to go
I dug this grave I call my home
I dug this grave I call my home
I dug this grave! ]

The recording ended but everyone had a twisted smile that day ....

They decided not to tell Cale about it and instead were super clingy

Deruth kept apologizing to Cale but never told him why

But when Cale asked them why they were acting weird Choi Han's acting gave them away

Cale, because of Choi Han, knew something was wrong but decided to brush it off and he felt vicious gazes all day......

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