Chapter 1 : The Eyes

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Dorothy Arya
"He is gone , You can't get him back Doro , Your brother is gone forever"
I told to myself looking at the mirror. I can hear my mom and other relatives screaming and crying and whatever. They had never cared about him once he was alive and now I am surprised to their behaviour.

I looked at the mirror again. My eyes are getting heavy and a drop of tear came out from the corner, it went straight down to the sink and disappeared. Just like my brother who disappeared all on a sudden. I can still remember his happy face , looking at me he had said before going out " Doro, I will come back to take you and mom one day"

He didn't come back, He will never from now one. It was a bus accident. The bus fell straight into ditch smashing all the passengers including my brother.

I wiped my tears , My heart was bursting with tremendous amount of sorrow as if it was getting pierced into thousand pieces with the knife of uncertainty. Vishal taught me to stay strong . I know he would have been happy to see me strong even though he is not here.

I went out of the room. My mom looked straight into my face and tried to express her grief through her eyes which were blood red till then.
"I need some air, I am feeling suffocated" I told her while trying my best to hold my tears.

"How can you be such stone-hearted?" She asked clenching her teeth.

"Maybe because My own mother killed my brother , Maybe because you are the one who had killed my Vishal long ago even before his physical death" I screamed and finally a stream of warm tears drenched my cheeks completely and I ran out of my house. I could hear my mom cursing me but I paid no attention to it. I am losing myself again. Everything I had.

I felt myself gasping again and again. I am getting tired and I still kept on running, I could see people staring at me awfully but I kept running until I reached the place where I was meant to be.

I knocked at the door forcefully.
Twice .

Finnally a female voice said loudly "coming, coming, wait ! Who is this shameless !"

Anu was shocked to see me at that condition. In awe she said " Doro! What the fuck is going on! What happened ?"

I was panting very hard
" Please "

"Okay okay, come darling"

No sooner had I come inside I hugged her tightly and pushed my head into her chest and screamed thunderously.

Anu was the only shelter I had after Vishal. Throughout my life my mother had neglected me and my brother. After my father's death she had always seen me and Vishal to be her burden and as if feeding us was a terrible sin for her to perform.

" more..... Gone" I was gasping hard .

Anu had got the news of the accident before she was as if certain that Vishal had gone forever. She told me in a low voice "Be calm babe, I am here, look ."

I didn't remember when I had fallen asleep while weeping in her lap. I found myself lying in her bed and she was sitting by me in a chair. She was holding my hand tightly, her bright skin tone was blazing as if moon had been refiling it. Her dark brown hair was resting in her shoulder. She as if said through her dark blue eyes "Dorothy, I can read every minute thoughts that coming out from your head"

That made me uncomfortable . Although she hasn't said anything, her eyes were too sharp to look at directly.

"You are not gonna do anything related to the cremation right?"

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