Chapter 5

15 3 1

Belle's POV

The red lights were coming at me, fast. On instinct, I drew an arrow and shot it at one of the red lights, and it faded out, completely disappearing. I drew my arrow and shot two more, both doing the same thing as the first.

But there was way too many for me to possibly count, how was I supposed to get rid of these things?

The were now in a tight circle around me, spinning in some aggressive way I didn't understand. Most birds didn't know how to stalk prey like this. This was obviously some species that I have never heard of.

Then they stopped circling, and hovered in the air, as if they were waiting for something. Knowing this was one of my only chances, I drew my arrow and started hitting the lights in a circle. whizz....pop...whizz...pop... One after the other the lights died out. I squinted in the dark, since most of the red lights disappeared, I could hardly see a thing.

In the distance, there was one more red light. I knew all I had to do was walk up to it and shoot it.

Each time I took a step, the red light moved closer as well, until we were only ten feet away. (But my estimate of length is as good as yours in the dark.)

Then all at once, it lunged at me. Something sharp went into my flesh, plunging in like my arm was made of butter.

I screamed and felt sharp piercing pain claw all the way up my arm. With my other arm, I tried to shove off whatever had impaled my flesh, but it stayed there.

I could feel the warmth of my blood spilling down my arm, and it burned like hot lava.

The red light was above me, and I realized at that point that something big was attatched to it.

"GET OFF ME!" I shouted on the top of my lungs and kicked whatever this was as hard as I could.

With blood still pouring down my arm, I grabbed an arrow and impaled what I thought might be a chest, using the arrow as a dagger.

"Ouch!" I heard it yell. I then realized that it wasn't a species, but instead it was a human.

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