Chapter 2: Abhay's Human Form

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As Abhay left the temple in his new human form, he felt a sense of excitement and apprehension. He had never been a mortal before, and he was unsure of how to navigate the world outside the temple walls.

The streets of the town were bustling with activity, and Abhay was fascinated by the sights and sounds around him. He watched as merchants haggled with customers over prices, and children played in the dirt roads. But his mind was preoccupied with thoughts of Pia.

He knew he had to find her, but he had no idea where to start. He had only seen her once, and he had no idea where she lived or worked. Abhay walked aimlessly through the town, hoping to spot her somewhere in the crowds.

As the day wore on, Abhay grew more and more frustrated. He had searched every corner of the town, but there was no sign of Pia. He began to fear that he would never find her and would be banished to Swarg forever.

But just as he was about to give up hope, he heard a familiar voice. It was Pia, talking to a group of tourists about the history of the town. Abhay's heart leaped with joy, and he rushed towards the sound of her voice.

When he finally reached her, Pia was surprised to see him. She had never seen him in human form before, and she didn't recognize him at first. But as he drew closer, she realized who he was.

"Abhay," she whispered in awe. "It's really you."

Abhay smiled at her, grateful to have finally found her. He didn't waste any time telling her how he felt. He poured out his heart to her, telling her about the love he had felt for her from the moment he saw her in the temple.

At first, Pia was taken aback. She had never heard of a demi-god falling in love with a mortal before. But the more she listened to Abhay, the more she realized that she felt the same way about him.

And so, Abhay and Pia began a whirlwind romance that would change both of their lives forever. They spent their days exploring the town and its surrounding countryside, and their nights lost in each other's arms.

But as the days wore on, Abhay couldn't help but worry about the deadline looming over his head. He knew that he only had fifteen days to win Pia's love, and he wasn't sure if it was enough time. He had to make every moment count, or risk losing her forever.

And so, Abhay redoubled his efforts to win Pia's heart. He took her on romantic dates, showered her with gifts, and wrote her love letters. He was determined to show her just how much he loved her and how much he was willing to sacrifice for her.

As the end of the fifteen days drew near, Abhay and Pia's love had grown stronger than ever. They had shared so many wonderful moments together, and they both knew that they never wanted to be apart.

But despite their love, Abhay couldn't shake the feeling of dread that hung over him. He had only one day left to convince Pia to love him back, and he wasn't sure if it was enough. He feared that he would be banished to Swarg forever, alone and heartbroken.

But no matter what the future held, Abhay was grateful for the time he had spent with Pia. She had brought joy and love into his life, and he would never forget the moments they had shared together.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2023 ⏰

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