The One

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I've lost count of the number of times I've come across stories about women praying for the one
The one they haven't met but they pray for their safety and well-being
The one who is somewhere in the globe, most likely still battling in life or has always had a good life
The one who is meant for them, their soulmate as we call it

To be honest, there are times when I think of my "the one"
When I'm lonely or looking up at the stars, I think of him
Where are you? I often wonder
Are you happy? Are you pursuing a childhood ambition? What is your perspective on the world? What type of man have you turned out to be?

And every now and then I wonder if you're okay.

I wonder if the world has been kind to you? I wonder about your challenges and triumphs. I wonder if you're sad?

And, at the very least, I wonder if you're thinking of me too?

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2023 ⏰

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