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Y/N STARED STRAIGHT AHEAD, at her TV as she fed herself a spoonful of vanilla ice cream. The woman has been feeling a lot more lonely recently, and she tried everything she could to get out more and make new friends, but to her dismay, those friendships failed the second she opened her mouth. Sure she knew a nice handful of people, but she wasn't really close to any one in that handful except for one person. That one person being her best friend that went by the name Aliza.

Aliza and Y/N were completely opposite people, and that's probably what made them closer to one another. Aliza was always out and about, she was very social, and she always tried to get Y/N to be the same, but it never worked out for her.

As the H/C haired female scooped up more of the cold snack, she raised the spoon up to her mouth before she stopped in her tracks once she heard a loud ring come from her phone that sat right beside her.

She cursed to herself as she dropped her spoon in the bowl before she turned to the side and gently placed it to the side of her.

Turning back over to her phone, the woman then took her device in her hand and saw that her best friend Aliza was already calling her.

Tapping on the green icon, she gave the other girl on the other side of the phone an awkward smile, "Aliza, it's twelve, what are you calling me for?"

Aliza rolled her dark eyes and angled her screen closer to her face a bit, "I wanted to know if you were going out tonight?"

Pursing her lips at her friend, Y/N leaned her head back and raised a brow. "Are you seriously asking me if I'm going out?"

"Uhhh.." Aliza grinned at Y/N as she propped her chin up in the palm of her hand, "Yeah..?"

The girl on the other end of the phone scoffed at her friends words, "You know I'm never outside. Why do you ask?"

Shrugging at her friends words, an evil smirk formed on her lips. "You wanna come with me to the club?"

"No. It's too late." Y/N responded with the quickness, not even wanting to hear the dark haired girl out.

"Girl no it's not!!" Aliza screeched out, pushing the phone closer to her face, "There's so many people there, you know this."

"But... I don't want to, ughh.." Y/N groaned out turning her body to the side while she grabbed her bowl full of ice cream before setting it on her lap.

Aliza huffed out and leaned over the end of her bed, giving her friend pleading eyes. "Come on Y/N.. you never wanna hang out with me anymore!"

"I do wanna hang out with you," Y/N corrected as she took her eyes away from Aliza's, "It's just that... I don't wanna go out out. I wouldn't mind going to like.. a restaurant with you or something, but I don't know about a fuckin club."

Aliza brushed her dark hair away from her dark eyes, "Listen, not to sound like a bitch or anything. But you're kind of a party pooper."

"Ugh, shut up," Y/N muttered, finally putting her E/C eyes back onto Aliza's brown ones.

Aliza smirked to herself before she looked her friend up and down through the screen. "Y/N, what are you doing right now?"

"Watching a show," she took another glance at her TV in front of her before looking back at the brunette, "Why...?"

A wider smile was laid on Aliza's lips, "I have an idea! Why don't I pair you up with someone!"

"No." Y/N glared, silently warning her best friend, "Absolutely not. Don't even think about anything like that. You know I can't-"

"It's not that you can't... It's just that you don't want to." Aliza corrected, thinking she actually did something.

"Yes, exactly! Now that you know that I don't want to be in a relationship at the moment! You can respect that by leaving me alone!"

Aliza threw her head back as a loud laugh came from her mouth, "AHHHH! You're right, you're right!"

A smile of victory then landed on the E/C eyes woman's mouth and she gave her a slow nod.

After Aliza then calmed down and let her laughter dissolve into nothingness, she tilted her head back down towards her friend. "God, how long has it been since you've gotten any dick...?"

That caused Y/N to stop all of her movements, she thought about it for a moment and then she realized that it's been quite some time.

Realizing her lack of response, Aliza gently placed her hand on her mouth, trying to conceal her laughter that was now muffled, "Oh my god Y/N. You really need to go out more."

"I know..." Y/N whined, allowing her head to rest back against her couch.

Once the dark haired woman calmed herself down once again, she then had a thought that entered her mind, "Hey, how about you just... Hire a prostitute?"

Snapping her neck down back to the girl on the phone, her eyebrows raised in shock. It seemed that only her best friend could cook up the worst ideas for her. "Are you crazy?!"

"What?" Aliza shrugged in genuine confusion, "I've done it before. It was pretty fun."

Y/N closed her mouth and continued to watch Aliza stare at her with a puzzled look still visible on her features.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?" Aliza questioned, finally breaking the silence that sat between them.

"It's just that.... I never would've guessed that... You of all people would do something like... Like.. this!"

"Come on Y/N, you should know who you're talking to here." She joked with a slight hum that left her in the process.

Y/N was now even more confused. She could sense that Aliza was definitely the type to have a prostitute, but then another part of her told herself that she was never that type of person either.

"As I was saying, Y/N," Aliza interrupted her friends thoughts, "You should try it! It's not all that bad, you just have to know who you're dealing with."

Shaking her head off of her couch, Y/N then slowly shut her E/C eyes, "No, I can't.. that's... Not good for me.."

Aliza let out a groan with another one of her signature eye rolls. "Look. They're there for the same reason as you."

"Are they though? Because last I checked, they were only there to have sex for money."

"Just-" the brunette knew that her friend kind of made a point, but that didn't stop her from trying to convince the woman, "Ughhhh.. Y/N, do you miss getting dick or not?"

Y/N stayed quiet for a minute before she finally spoke up, "I- I guess I do... Like.. who doesn't?"

"Then you should try it out! Here!" Alizas screen suddenly formed into a little character on Y/Ns device. "I'm sending you the number right now."

The other females stomach twisted at the thought of doing it with any random person, but there was other thoughts she had in mind as well.

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