"Brave are we?" ~Bellatrix Lestrange

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Ron, Harry and I are down stairs we hear Hermione yelling upstairs. "We need to do something!" Ron yells. I have met them a few days ago. I was hiding from the death eaters when I saw Hermione and Harry coming. Of course I knew them the didn't know me but still welcomed me to come with them. I told them how I had seen all my friends and family die in front of me. I was the only one who escaped and ran away. They told me how Dumbledore was killed and about the horcruxes. How Ron had left. I was with them for two days. We've been through some shit together.

We went to Harry's old house and we met a woman there. She turned out to be some sort of snake or something. Well she tried to kill us we made it out but we were lucky. Harry's wand broke. Hermione apparitions us to some snowy place. That morning I woke up and Harry was gone. I told Hermione, we went outside and saw Harry coming with a sword and Ron. Ron and Harry explained everything. How Harry found the sword and Ron helped him destroy the horcrux. We wanted to leave again when we were surrounded by death eaters. We all ran other sides, but it was useless. We were captured. Hermione tried to fuck up Harry's face so they didn't know it was him, but they found out either way. Now we're locked up down here and that creepy bitch Bellatrix is hurting Hermione. They've got our wands but I always have spare one in my hair. Don't ask me how I can hide it there. The awnser is ✨magic✨ "There's nothing we can do Ron" Harry says. "Are you serious Y/n, you're gonna do your hair now?" Ron asks. "Just wait" I awnser. I grab the wand. "Oh god Y/n I love you" Ron says. "You're a genius" Harry says. I put my hair in a ponytail again. "I know" I wink at them. Than I explode the door from this prison and run up stairs.

I see Bellatrix sitting over Hermione. Carving something in her arm with a knife. Mudblood. "GET OF HER YOU PCYCHO" I yell and push her of Hermione. She rolls a bit farther and I help Hermione up. "Go downstairs to Harry and Ron, they have a plan" I tell her "What about you?" She asks "I need to fuck some bitch up. Now I recognize her, she killed my mom and now she was hurting you. I won't let that happen" I tell her. "Be careful" She says and runs down. "Well. Well. Well." Bellatrix was standing on her feet again. "How very dumb to fight me all alone" She says. "I would call it brave" I say. "Brave are we?" She laughs out. "Than at least you die brave!" She yells and trows me against the wall. "I will not die" I say. She comes closer to me and wraps her hand around my neck. "Are you sure about that?" She wispers in my ear and chockes me. "I'm sure" I say and try to push her away. "Hmm, still fighting back I see. I like that" She smirks. "GET OF ME" I yell and try to push her away again. "This won't work love" She says. "I'M NOT YOUR LOVE" I yell. "But you will be" She wispers in my ear. A few seconds later I feel her lips in my neck. She's kissing my neck. "GET OF ME" I yell again. "Shh, just enjoy" She wispers against my skin. "I won't I'll fight until you die" I say. She chuckles. I feel the vibration against my skin "Good luck love" She says. She continues kissing my neck. The longer she continues the rougher she get and how weaker I get. I have to admit she is pretty hot. If she wasn't the bad guy I would already be begging for her fingers inside of me. Wait what the fuck. She is the bad guy she needs to get the fuck of me. "GET OF ME!" I yell again. This time I push her of but I fall to the ground. She's still standing and grabs my feet. Dragging me infront of a door. I want to stand up, but she is faster. She sits on my abdomen and strangles my waist with her legs. "Don't try to run from me pet. It won't work" She says and laughs like a maniac. "I'm not your fucking pet" I say. She moves closer with her face to mine "But you will be love. Act like you're death. Or I'll search your family and I'll kill them. Just like your mother." So of course I act like I'm death.

Everyone from the prison is upstairs now. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO Y/N?!" Ron yells. "Hmm you don't want to know" She laughs. I want to scream that I'm alive but I can't risk my family. Bellatrix has Hermione and presses a knife to her throat. I feel dizzy and can't hear what their saying. That all look above them and there is Dobby. Harry told me about Dobby, I've always wanted to meet Dobby and now that I see him he's so cute! He's dropping the lamp above. Bellatrix and Hermione. She jumps back and Hermione is thrown into Harry's arms. Dobby steals Narcissa's wand. "HOW DARE YOU DEFY YOUR MASTERS" "DOBBY HAS NO MASTERS DOBBY IS A FREE ELF!" Dobby yells. "And Dobby has come to safe Harry Potter and his friends!" he says and apparitions them out Bellatrix throws a knife at them. I'm begging they will be out on time. They disappear but... So does the knife. Bellatrix laughs like a maniac. "NOOO" I yell and cry. "Why is she still alive? I thought she was dead" Lucius says "Chill Lucius, she's no harm." With that she breaks my wand. "Leave this room now please. I need to have some alone time with this girl" She looks at me and smirks. No one leaves. "Didn't you hear me? LEAVE" She yells. Everyone leaves and I'm left alone with her. I'm still crying. I know she's going to kill me. "Awhh~~ don't cry, I won't kill you. If you do exactly what I say" She says. I don't even reply I don't care anymore. "Now let's continue where we were left" She smirks.

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