1} For the welfare

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Walking around the balcony, prince seemed stressful as if finding a solution to his worries or problems.
It was already night as the bright colours of orange and yellow were slowly swallowed by the dark colours of night. Taehyung was hoping that just like that his decision would be accepted.

The prince of daegu who is soon going to be crowned as king plopped himself down on the chair placed at the corner of the balcony.
He replays the conversation which took place a few hours ago with his father.

◍◍◍◍◍◍ A few hours ago ◍◍◍◍◍◍
"Stop it taehyung! I told you this before as well, i can't let you go into the village between crowd", said furious king fed up by the constant arguing of his son kim taehyung.

"Father please, I am going to be crowned as king in a week. I have all rights to spent my time and left days with the people of village!", Prince taehyung seemed to not back off easily.

"Plus dad this way i can also get to know about problems faced by people of our kingdom and if i would be able to solve their problems then people will have a good image of ours. This way our kingdom will be more powerful with people by our side", taehyung tried to convince his father.

King replied in a calm way as he was too stressed and tired to yell," see my son, i know you are thinking about the welfare of people and advantage but either way i can't let you go".

Prince's father shut his eyes for a moment and opened them again before speaking," okay hear me out, i'll think about it and tell my final decision, is that okay?",

"Fine father, I'll wait for your decision", taehyung said feeling defeated and turned towards the exiting door.

◍◍◍◍◍◍ present time ◍◍◍◍◍◍
A knock was heard on the door of the grand room of prince taehyung. He turned his attention on the door and said," come in!"

Taehyung stood up as soon as he saw his father entering the room. He walked towards his father and asked about his sudden appearance.

"Taehyung, I've come to tell you about my decision", king sighed and spoke again,"i understand you are all grown up now and you have got rights and freedom for your life. Indeed i am worried for you that's why i prohibit you to do certain things, we royalties have only one motive since we are born, that is to serve for our kingdom. So i am letting you go now and explore our kingdom, be close to them and to look into their problems. I hope you won't disappoint me by doing something dangerous or childish".

Taehyung's lips curved into a smile and he thanked his father bowing 90 degrees to show his gratitude.

"I promise father to not do anything that will disappoint you, i am really thankful to you!".

Soon after his father left he started packing his clothes and rest of the essential stuff in his bag. He took help of jimin, taehyung's aunt's son.
Jimin has been known to be helpful generous and a kind guy, sure he has a talent of flirting so effortlessly but that doesn't mean he was a guy with bad reputation.

Jimin helped taehyung to get a normal village looking clothes so he won't be easily recognised by these royal clothes he was wearing. He packed some blades and other things as well.

It was already late night and taehyung couldn't sleep due to excitement for his new journey.

He finally slept after a few tries entering into the dreamland.


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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2023 ⏰

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