Lord Eon

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Eon Daeba was born in the Old Republic thousands of years ago in 5238 BBY as a normal human with a Midichlorian count of only 21900, He was very smart with an IQ of 289.

He was born to Jedi parents on Tython but was later trained by the Sith.

Through his training, Eon gained the power of Soul Transference and Essence Steal through the power of a Krayt Dragon Kyber Pearl, which he honed by connecting with it and his Amalgamated Hurrikaine Phond Crystal as a Focusing Crystal, Hence an unstable lightsaber blade.

Using these abilities, Eon was able to cryogenically freeze himself, Keeping his original body safe.

After entering a cloning program at 63, Eon went into his first clone at the age of 1.

Each clone had been specially made to look 60 years old and they lived to 210 years or so. Using 3 of the clones at his disposal.

Now being in a 4th after the last 3 clones deteriorated, Eon was now 706 years old.

He used the clones to gain knowledge and train through the force over those 7 centuries.

4532 BBY.

In those many centuries.

He had Honed and Mastered his lightsaber forms of Makashi, Ataru and Jar'Kai.

Learning Force Generation, Force Jump, Force Mastery, Far-sight, Force Deflection, Wayfinding, Force Premonitions, Force Telepathy, Force Mind-Break, Mind Breach, Force Choke, Force Flight, Force Dash, Force Kick, Force Punch, Force Scattering, Force Masking, Force Manipulation, Tutuminus, Force Lightning, Force Injury Reduction, Adiabatic Shield and Art of Movement through being a philosopher of the force.

However before learning all of this, the process of soul transference and cloning had unintended side effects on his brain.

Eon had undergone a half lobotomy and his brain had been manipulated so that he no longer felt anger or fear.

This was necessary to accommodate the cloning process, but it left Eon in a state of constant detachment from his emotions.

Turning him into a proxy of the force.

The force had given him life through the ability of Essence Steal. Commanded by the force, Eon struck down enemies of the force.

After undergoing the cloning process, Eon had become semi-immortal, with a lifespan far beyond that of a normal human.

Eon was only immortal as long as he had clones.

However, the process had taken its toll on his bodies and he occasionally required a life support machine to sustain him longer than usual clones unless he needed to fight.

What would make Eon's condition worse is that he occasionally smoked Torpedo Cigarra's made of Tabac mixed with Narglatch, Each being tobacco like substances.

During his long life, Eon had visions of Sheev Palpatine and Darth Vader and desired to meet them. He cryogenically froze himself deep down in Korriban 16 years after being in his 4th clone, only to awaken before the Galactic Empire Era, 200 BBY.

With the wealth he had now amassed, Eon became a proud leader.

A Grand Marshal of the Omega Jura Federation, which remained hidden from the galaxy until the Galactic Empire was born.

Built from an already existing peaceful planetoid utopian city that was built from a 20,800 Kilometer chunk of a super-continent of a destroyed mega-planet.

Eon had Built a planetoid Dreadnought called the Heavy Omega, through the many droids he owned.

Once the Galactic Empire was born, Eon Daeba introduced himself as a powerful figure to Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader himself, Proposing that a peace treaty would be put between the Galactic Empire and the Omega Jura Federation.

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