chapter 2

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Prussia felt pain zig zag into his side as something hit him knocking him back. He saw a soldier there a UK soldier quickly rolling to his feet Prussia ran to RE side 

"hand me my dagger!" said Prussia waving his hands in the air and pointed at the UK soldier who was coughing from the smoke and had thankfully not seen him

"here take it!" said RE giving the dagger to his younger brother. Prussia got to his feet and charged at the soldier stabbing him in the leg with the wickedly sharp edge and warm sticky blood spilt on his hand and down his sleeve 

"Uhhhh!" said the soldier clearly in pain and trying to get up to no avail, trapped the soldier whipped his sword out and slashed at Prussia missing him but he swung the sword again and this time hit his mark Prussia was hit in the shoulder as he tried to dart away but he was not giving up he picked up his dagger and stabbed the soldier hard in the joint between his shoulder blade and neck 

"get off you gnat or I will kill all of you stupid bugs!" the soldier yelled struggling again but the sounds of guards coming stopped his struggling and he called for back up. At first Prussia heard nothing but the sound of the guards footsteps drawing closer and they shot, but out of the bushes came four more all grinning as they came closer and closer with their swords

"watch out!" Prussia called up at his youngest brother AE who was unwisely hiding in the upper branches as the first soldier came out of the bushes and spotted him at that time the palace guards where close by, and he can summon them with a yell but that put them all in danger

"soldiers over there!" said one of the palace guards rushing towards them her gun at the ready and she shot one soldier own before they can react she shot another. But the last remaining two realized they had been spotted and attacked the female guard forcing her to duck and roll to one side so their bullets can't hit their mark. The other guard, a man named Gritzley came out of no where and struck them full force knocking the last two out in a few seconds. The women came over and offered a hand to Prussia while Gritzley went over to help the unconscious RE up. The women helping him, he remembered her name was Lorrel who dusted off the books every day at the library. After she helped him up he helped AE down from the tree, from what Prussia saw, his younger brother was unhurt apart from the scratches he got from the tree branches...

..."Is he going to be alright?" said AE looking down at his oldest brother with visible concern, even from such a young age AE still knew sympathy. Like when himself and RE knocked over a glass vase and the two of them had to be grounded for three days AE spent those few days of Prussia and RE grounded blissfully enjoying the smell of fresh grass and flowers but after they where ungrounded. Prussia heard all about what his youngest brother had been doing

"He is going to be alright." said Holy Roman Empire to his sons kindly "They said he just got hurt badly thats all."

"Daddy when will I get training like brother?" AE said 

"Soon when it's your sixth birthday." said Prussia smiling despite feeling mad at himself for not being able to protect his brother when bad stuff happened 

"Don't blame yourself" said Holy Roman Empire placing one hand on top of his "It's not your fault he got hurt, you did the right thing." "Now go to bed!" he said smiling "Tell me never to trust you to stay up so late!" He called as the two brothers sadly stood up and walk towards the hallway

If only somethings can be better if only I can protect them so they can never get hurt ever again! Prussia thought as he crossed the hallway to his room, and lay down to sleep only to start crying why can't mother have stayed with us and lived with us then this life would be way better then it is now. He opened his eyes to see his father standing there looking upon him sadly that he realized he had said it out loud 

"Im sorry Prussia about the things in the past I cannot fix I wished all the times that she had lived too, but sometimes life goes on and on there is no stopping to fix those past problems just accept it and let it keep going"

"I wish there is times of your life that can make you happy, father, you are always so sad." Prussia said looking at his fathers face to only to see tears

"I wish you, my children can live better lives too." he said tears in his eyes "I wish I could have stayed with her then leaving for a battle with my brother who is going to visit us soon."

 ignoring his news Prussia  said"Good night father, I will train my hardest and help us win glory and power and make SPQR pay!" 

"Oh son SPQR has done us no good, but killing is not an answer it's a method yes, but we are family, I would never kill him like he would never kill me we've had family problems, yes but we would never kill the other, not for the rest of time. We will fight each other but-"

"But murder is not the answer." Prussia finished "Yes father, I will treat him with respect and never harm him." Prussia vowed

"Good, now good night and don't cry, okay?" He hugged him and he left letting Prussia's sadness and anger fade he fell into a peaceful sleep...

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