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---------P a d m è---------

I open my eyes to see a plain white ceiling. I look around and notice that I was lying down, on a flat, uncomfortable bed, elevated off the ground by about three feet.

I also notice a door and the ground, both the same bright white as the ceiling. I decide to sit up and dangle my knees off of the place I was laying, after doing this my head kinda hurt and my eyes had just adjusted to the bright light so I instinctively put my hand to my head.

"What happened?" I question, feeling groggy from just waking up. Looking down at my knees I notice something. "A hospital gown?" I whisper to myself, confused. "Why am I in a hospital gown?"

Right as I say that I hear the door open and I shoot my head over to see the source of the noise. A medical droid hovers in and robotically flies to where I am is sitting. Taking sharp turns and only moving in straight lines.

"How are you feeling, senator?" The robot asked in a high, ladylike voice.

"Who brought me here? How long have I been asleep?" I question

"Lord Vader brought you here unconscious last night. You've been asleep for 9 hours." She answers "How are you feeling?"

"My neck kinda hurts." I reply shaking off Vader.

"We were asked to check your neck last night by Lord Vader. There is no serious damage," The robot assures. Who is this Vader guy? I ponder "There is someone eagerly waiting outside to see you."

Who would want to see me? I wonder. "Who is it?" I say.

"Lord Vader himself." The robot replies sounding amazed by the idea.

Maybe I should see who this "Lord Vader" is and why he brought me here. I think. "You can let him in." I say sounding sophisticated.

After I finish my sentence the droid nods and goes back out of the door in the same robotic way they did previously. I start to brainstorm ideas, Senator Bail? Uncle Ono? Anakin- Anakin...

Just then everything flooded back to me, Mustafar, him choking me, Obi-wan walking out of my ship, the younglings, everything. What happened after I was knocked out? Who brought me here? Who is Lord Vader?! I am flooded with questions, sadness, and confusion.

Remembering everything, I start to cry from the sad memories and the happy memories bleached with sadness from Anakin's treacherous acts. I start feeling hot, fast, tears stream down my face without control. Why? Why, Anakin? Why would you do this to yourself, to me?

I curl myself up into a ball and shove my face into my knees, letting myself break, and the tears consume me, forgetting about the person who is about to walk into my hospital room. He did it for me? Why? His nightmares about me...

"Padmè?" I hear a deep, robotic, but eerily human voice say.

I look up and see a dark menacing figure that barely seems man, I notice his mask; it's a sheer black color, there is a widow peak-like arch above the eyes to form the lip of a helmet that is longer in the back than the front, there are large, bug-like windows where eyes should be, and instead of a nose and mouth there is a large triangle that's placed in the middle of both.

After I'm done quickly analyzing this Vader guy I quickly fly out of my position and backed away towards the wall behind me, surprised at the fact that he walked in. "How do you know me? Why were you on Mustafar!?" I demand.

"What do you mean 'How do I know'-" He cut himself off "Oh... I forgot I was wearing this..." He says while pulling his hands to the sides of his head.

He presses a few buttons on the sides of his helmet and I hear the sound of air escaping from it. He readjust his hands and carefully lifts up his helmet off of his head, and places the mask onto the hospital bed that I was lying on earlier.

I recognize his face immediately, the long, curly, auburn hair. The large permanent scar over his right eye. The slight cleft chin. The gleaming, reassuring smile. "Anakin..." I smile but quickly remember that it isn't a good thing to see him and go back to the confused and angry face I was wearing before.

I wipe what's left of the tears off of my face with my sleeve and get straight to the point "What happened?"

"Aww, no 'It's good to see you.' or anything..." He says in a humorous, fake sad tone.

"What. Happened." I push further, obviously angry

"(Sheesh okay) I faught Obi-wan ended up winning so-" I cut him off.

"Is Obi-wan okay?!" I ask, concerned.

"Yes. He is missing two of his limbs though." Anakin answers, obviously annoyed that I cut him off.

"TWO LIMBS?!" I scream "Anakin!"

"He was TRYING TO KILL ME!" He screams back in an annoyed tone. "And I'm not Anakin now, I'm Lord Vader!"

"ONLY BECAUSE YOU KILLED CHILDREN 'Lord Vader'!" I shout back in a mocking tone.

"I did it for a reason, I did it for YOU!" He argued.

"I fail to see how KILLING CHILDREN will have ANYTHING to do with ME, EVER!"

"I-I don't know... My new master told me to... The Jedi betrayed us! They're corrupt and-"

"THEY AREN'T THE CORRUPT ONES, YOU ARE!! YOUR 'new master' IS A PSYCHOPATH!" I outrage. After I finish he snarls at me in annoyance.

"Why can't you just see things my way!" He yells.

"Why can't you see things mine!" I protest while turning away dramatically. I pause."Just get me out of this hospital."

He, angrily aggress and grabs his mask and goes out to find the medic bot again to ask if I can be released. "Of course, Angel." I hear him mutter under his breath before he goes out.

After he leaves I feel tears fall from my eyes while I stand there with a deadpan expression on my face. How'd my life come to this? Why does Anakin hate the Jedi now? I ask myself. It was all going so well... I had everything I needed... A wonderful husband that was a wonderful person... Amazing friends... Being expecting to have a baby... Wait...

I forgot about the fact that I was pregnant. Is the baby still okay? Did something from Mustafar to here hurt it? I was flooded with questions of concern when the door to the room opened again.

"We can leave now." I hear Anakin say unenthusiastically. As he throws some clothing onto the bed "Heres your clothes"

"Thank you." I say just to be polite in an obviously sour tone.

"You have eight minutes to change. I'm going to start up the ship." He explains. "We need to get going quickly, I'm in docking bay 26." He says, this time impatiently.

"Okay." I reply as he walks from the room.

I look down at my clothes They're a bit ashy from Mustafar. I notice. I don't have any others though so it will have to do.

I reluctantly but quickly get on the clothes and head to docking bay 26, barely knowing my way through the hospital. I have no other way of leaving so I guess I'm stuck with Anakin until I have a ship of my own. I disappointedly realize. It's okay. I uncharacteristically be positive I'm sure there is still good in him.

I'm going to try to make every chapter I write for this story at least 700 words I hope you liked this chapter! Have a nice day!

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