Living The Dream (series) Part 1

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*The characters mentioned Munk, Host, Erik (the dark fae), DZ, Zyggy, Karsh and Demeter all belong to twitch streamer, writer and tiktoker Ish Ishness*

Magic and fantasy, two things Megan absolutely loved and lived for but never fully understood it. She lived in a big city with closed minded people so in their world, magic didn't exist. She understood all too well how Belle from Beauty of the Beast felt being that "strange but special girl". She liked being different and not being part of the people in that city who didn't have an imagination, and that was mostly everyone who lived there.

She researched and studied magic through books upon books, but only found more questions rather than answers. She fought back her doubts and tried to reassure herself that she would indeed find someone who could teach her someday and maybe even learn how to use it herself. Days turned in to months and months turned in to a few years of searching and only finding people who either didn't believe her, or thought she was crazy. So, after searching for so long with nothing, she began to believe the people's words. Her heart was no longer in it and her love for magic was starting to fade, until the night a tall, dark and mysterious figure visited Megan in her sleep.

She froze in the dream and saw him just standing and staring... at her. She could hardly see his face, but she could see that he was not human. He had bright, deadly red eyes, pointy ears and an intense gaze that could make anyone weak in the knees, from both fear and arousal. She wasn't afraid of him, but he did make her nervous. He just stood there, glaring at her with half a smirk. She was far more intrigued than she wanted to be but shrugged it off and out of her mind. After all, it was only a dream. He couldn't be real... could he? She woke up from the dream panting and a bit sweaty. She tried to shake it off and convinced herself it was just one of those odd dreams you can never explain, but then she started seeing him almost every night. A creepy, thin fog surrounded the both of them in the dreams and the creature continued to just stand and stare while she stared right back, but this time was different. He walked towards her through the fog and tilted his head as he put his hand on her cheek, smirking as she closed her eyes at his touch. She slightly opened her eyes to look into his face and her jaw dropped, standing in front of her was a Fae. Her heart beat louder and faster as it pounded in her own ears which made the Fae grin even wider as he could hear it too. His evil smile revealed his fangs which caused her to freeze, unable to move, she suddenly felt strong arms wrap around her from behind that almost instantly comforted her. She glanced down to see what she thought was a black coat and gloves with a pair of hands that had no skin. "It's okay. You're safe." She heard the voice say right before she woke up, but not before turning to face him, a skeleton with bright white eyes.

Megan shook as she laid in her bed trying to process everything she had just seen. Was it a nightmare or were they real? The fae made her completely nervous, but the skeleton... he made her feel safe and comforted, and wanted to see him again.

That was it. That was the spark she needed to fuel her love of magic once again and she didn't care how long or how far she'd have to go to find the answers to it all. She wanted to learn more, she NEEDED to learn more and now it was time to learn about the creatures in her dream.

She suddenly stopped and put her hands to her head. She knew exactly where she could go to look for help and possibly find answers, in the woods on the other side of the city. She could almost feel the magic itself whenever she explored those woods, though she was always told to never go in them. She went anyway because she always felt like something was calling out to her from within them, but she never went far enough to see anything and always came back feeling disappointed. It intrigued her more and more as she got older, and the feeling of something pulling her to go back never went away.

People heard whispers of spirits and entities not of this world who lived somewhere within the woods, but no one ever found them, which frightened the people even more. She let her mind wander about what they would like if she ever saw an entity from another world. What would they look like? Would they be kind? Evil? Maybe even handsome or beautiful? It excited her because it brought back new hope into her heart that not only magic was real, but so were all the magical creatures you read about in fairytales. She shook her head and brought herself back to the present moment of riding her horse, Ace and entering the path once again to the beautiful woods.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2023 ⏰

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