3| Hello New Friend!

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"uhm..I'm sorry...You-" I ask turning to the man standing behind us.

"Hello Mr. Clarke" Cassie greets cutting me off.

"Mr. what!?" I ask Cassie under my breath stunned. She nudges me.

"Hello, Ms. Fallon. Good to see you two beauties" He said with a smile and bright eyes.

"H- Hi..G-good evening sir. I'm Bianca Cowell."

"Sir!" he laughs.

"Well good evening Madam" he pauses and takes my hand "And also we won't kick you out I pawmish" he pouts.

Three of us giggle. I giggled in confusion tho.

"I mean I won't...not sure about that grumpy brother of mine. Anyways I got a good news. He won't be here today"

"Noah!" Ms.Brown says out loud in excitement, walking out of the office.

"Emma!" Mr. Clarke said cheerfully.

They both hugged.

I've worked in this office for 3 months and have never heard anyone call Ms. Brown by her name..Maybe cz he's the CEO.. of course. YES. I'm stupid.

"When did you return from Morocco love?" She asked him.

"This morning Em" He responds kissing her on her cheek.

"Girls! To the office now." Ms. Brown points toward Cassie and I.

We both rush to the office and Mr.Clarke and Ms.Brown are walking behind us.

"ATTENTION EVERYBODY." Ms. Brown shouts. The whole office which was already attentive got extra attentive.

"We have Noah Clarke here."

"Good evening Mr. Clarke" The office fills with greetings and smiles.

"Hey hey hey! Good evening and I know happy y'all are to see me no need to mention that plus I have good news"

"What good news?" Cass mutters to me.

"Am I supposed to know?" I ask her.

"Yes ladies, you are ..I already told you but you didn't pay attention" He looks at me.

"I-I..we are sorry Mr. Clar-" I say before he cuts me off.

"That's fine... I was just kidding okay? I told you to relax" He says with an appealing face.

"So the news is Aaron won't be here" I shrugs.

Office again filled with noises but now they were sighs of relief. I was shocked and kinda found it funny.

Ms. Brown and Mr. Clarke too laugh at the reaction.

"Okay so let's get down to work, shall we Noah?" Ms. Brown points her thumb to her office.

𝐌𝐘 𝐁𝐄𝐒𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐂𝐓𝚰𝐎𝐍Where stories live. Discover now