Chapter 5 (authors note)

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Tris P.O.V
Today is the first day of school I get up and I take my shower I get out smelling like honeysuckle body wash from VS pink. I then get a pair of sandals with fringe and I put on a Flawless baseball jersey with a pair of cut of shorts. I put my hair in a high pony tail.I then FaceTime my mom and dad (they're always on business trips). Then I grab my skull backpack and go down stairs to eat a muffin. I hop into my jeep and drive to school I don't wait for Caleb he can drive himself.I get to school and see a few people around Chris.I walk over there to get my schedule for school.I walk over to Chris and the little group and say hi, I get a chorus of his and hays. I get introduced to them by Chris there names are Four,Zeke,Marlene,Shanna,Will,Peter,Al,and Uriah . I look at the boy Four he is very cute I stared at each other for what felt like an eternity.I didn't want it to stop,then Uriah cleared his trough making everyone look at us. I then started to blush and so did Four. We all had the same schedule. We first went to music classic I decide to write a song and sing it. I will call it bad blood (originally by Taylor Swift)I ask the group if the could help me with drums,guitar,bass,and back up singing they said yes. We get set up and I start to sing

Cause, baby,now we got bad blood

You know it used to be mad love

So take a look what you've done,

Now we got problems

And I don't think that we can solve them

You made a really deep cut

And,baby,now we got bad blood hay!

Did you have to do this

I was thinking you could be trusted

Did you have to ruin what was shiny

Now it's all rusted

Did you have to hit me,where I am weak

Baby,i couldn't breathe

And rub it in so deep

Salt in the wound like your laughing right at me

Oh,its so sad to think about the good times you and I

Cause,baby,now we got bad blood

You know it used to be mad love

So take a look what you've done

Cause,baby,now we got bad blood hay!

Now we got problems

And I don't think we can solve them

You made a really deep cut

And,baby, now we got bad blood hay!

Did you think that we'd be fine

Still got scars on my back from your knife

So don't think it's in the past

These kind of wounds they last and last

Now did you think it all through

All these will catch up to you

And time can heal but this won't

So if you're coming my way,just don't

Oh,its so sad to think about the good time

You and I

Cause,baby now we got bad blood

You know it used to be mad love

So take a look what you've done

Cause,baby,now we got bad blood hay!

Now we got problems

And I don't think we can solve them

You made a really deep cut

And,baby now we got bad blood hay!

Band-aids don't fix bullet holes

You say sorry just for show

If you love like that

You live with ghosts

Band-aids don't fix bullet holes

I start my next line then the bell rings and I walk to my next class

Whew,I am so tried I am sorry I have not updated and I feel like the worst person ever on wattpad and I kinda am having writers block I know it's early in my book but I am new and if anyone has ANY ideas I mean ANY.I would love it


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