Chapter 14

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Cathartes aura

"...which is why we're giving you extra time during breakfast to network and exchange ideas," Zandra hears Ivy say as she hobbles up to the lounge.

Zandra hangs back in a corner away from the attendees. She doesn't need Chad and Bexley wasting her time, although a quick survey of the lounge shows they're not up yet.

How do I even get to the captain from here? Jade's little tour skipped the bridge. Is that what it's called? The bridge?

Zandra isn't completely concealed from the rest of the lounge. Jade spots her and waves. It's the kind of wave with the bend of wrist that only alcohol can bring out.

Zandra waves back, soberly, motioning for Jade to come over.

"Are you, ah, finished with the thing?" Jade says after she picks her way through the lounge to Zandra. Her breath stings with orange juice and rail vodka.

"I am," Zandra says, wishing the cinnamon of the French toast sticks would overpower Jade's eyeopener.

"Well, Ivy bought you extra time, but I guess you won't need it. Who did it?"

"It'd be better if you showed me how to get to the bridge," Zandra says. "I need to speak with the captain right away."

"You want me to get Ivy?"


"Why not?"

"Because someone has to keep this shit show from sinking into the Wisconsin," Zandra says.

Besides, you're too fucked up to hold the attendees down if it were just Ivy and me.

"Yeah, yeah, I know how to get there. It's the upper level, though. That's closed, remember?" Jade says.

Zandra fights a cough. "I'm sure they'll make an exception. Let's go."

Ivy spots them before they even leave the lounge. She hurries over, a fake grin pasted to her face for the sake of the attendees.

"Well?" Ivy says.

"Yeah. I got it," Zandra says.

Ivy trades her fake grin in for a real one.

"We're going up to the bridge, find the captain," Jade says in a slur.

Ivy pulls a phone out of her pocket, dials a number, and hands the device to Zandra. "Upper level is sealed. It's better if you call."

"Here?" Zandra says. "In front of everyone?"

"Oh, fuck, yeah, you're right," Ivy says. She grabs the phone and cancels the call. "Let's do this from downstairs."

"No, that's too risky. The person of interest is still in her cabin. Don't want to give advance warning if we can help it," Zandra says.

Rev. Cash and pDano® preventing Cherry Peach from leaving is enough warning as it is. It'll take time for her to get ready for the day. Hopefully, she won't attempt to leave her cabin for a while anyway.

"There's a bathroom around the way," Zandra says, thinking back to Chad and Bexley's amateur surgery hour.

Ivy shakes her head and says, "Crew closed it down. Biohazard. Someone bled all over in there, and the staff ran out of special cleaner."

This is getting ridiculous.

"The conference rooms?" Jade says. "They're right off the lounge."

"They're all getting set up for the demos," Ivy says.

Fuck this.

Zandra drags her bad ankle toward the stairs leading to the upper level.

Twice Bitten, Once Shy: Confessions of a Fake Psychic Detective #5Where stories live. Discover now