The attentive boy from that time

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[The next thing to read was the circumstance that spilled the camel's back and I finally decided to create this story in poetry and story format.]


Most of the time I get uncomfortable when a boy or man approaches me.... The reason? I honestly don't have one.

Some of them greet with physical contact (a hug or kiss on the cheek) without asking permission, it is something normalized in Latin America, but in reality it is very invasive and rude when dealing with complete strangers.

But... One day, when I was in the gym, doing my usual exercises, I was about to settle down to do one, when suddenly a young guy comes in to suggest an easier way to position myself to do the exercise. Somehow I was scared by his hasty intention, but I let him speak.

The first thing I noticed about him was his black Converse possibly size 8-9 very clean, as my cap didn't allow me to see upwards. I want to clarify that one of the things that I really like in a person is the personal grooming and clean shoes, which was a good first impression of the guy for someone like me who is excessively demanding for something to please me. 

In the course of his explanation my mind analyzed absolutely everything instead of the young guy's explanation, he may have even believed that he wasn't explaining well or that I lacked brain cells to understand how distant I looked.

Somehow I felt comfortable in the presence of that guy who was maybe 17 to 19 years old. Until I decided to look up and my mind detailed everything.

That boy with thin legs, gray shorts and a very normal zip-up jacket, his face with a pale complexion, almost slanted eyes and long hair to the height of his ears. As he spoke, one of his locks slightly covered one of his eyes. My mind characterized him as a handsome and attentive boy for his almost unnecessary, but kind help. I only got to see his face for a few seconds because he didn't want to allow eye contact, so I looked back at his Converse as he continued to explain how to put my feet up.

I don't remember his voice clearly, but he conveyed tranquility. I proceeded to thank him, but I wasn't able to mention that I already tried that technique on other occasions. At that point, from the mental breakdown I already had, I just did the exercise for him to leave, which he did.

I kept doing my other exercises while he just did whatever and used whatever machine was near me, and sometimes I kept looking at his clean Converses.

In a matter of minutes I didn't see him anywhere, I don't know at what point he had left, and in fact I never knew when he arrived or where he had been before he spoke to me. At that moment, I began to blame myself because I didn't know how to converse and my intense shyness of wanting to be alone didn't allow for more interaction.  

It was a circumstance that taught me not to always get angry at someone else's unexpected kind attention.

Hope to meet you someday attentive guy from that time.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2023 ⏰

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