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"IF YOU DON'T STOP PUTTING STUFF IN THE FIRE, I'M LITERALLY GONNA SHUT THIS SERVER DOWN!" Sigils screamed. Exasperated as he was, he was still excited to begin this new adventure with his friends.

Right now however, his friends are being their typical chaotic selves.

Sigils takes charge in introducing the server. "Okay it's time to break the ice. So pass that piece of wool around, say your name, and something you're excited to do!" 

One by one, the members introduce themselves.

"Hi I'm Ambrew, and I'm excited to play Minecraft, because all my friends are here!"

"Hi I'm Biffle and I like long walks on the beach and I like putting dirt in the fire!" Biffle puts a block of dirt in the fire, which makes it smoke.

Sigils is annoyed but can't surpress a smile as he takes the dirt out of the fire and throws it away.

"Hi, my name is Gold, and I am especially excited to play Minecraft." 

Sigils rolls his eyes at this. What, this is a job interview now?

"Hi, my name is Henwy, and I'm excited to build a big house."This causes a bit of uproar. "Okay, we're already starting this?"

The moment SSundee takes the wool, however, is a different story. "I have gathered you all here today. "

Everyone groans, but SSundee pretends not to notice. "My name is the day of the week-"

"Monday!" Biffle calls out."Wednesday?" Sigils teases."I like Fridays," Nico says.

SSundee continues "-and these videos are gonna be like," SSundee stops and gestures towards the campfire. Everyone pauses, but them, simultaniously, shout out.


After everyone settles down again, Nico takes the wool. "Hello, I'm Nico, and I'm excited to kill you all!....at least once."

This causes a bit of uproar in the group, protesting against being killed on their very first day, from Sigils protesting "OKAY!" to the numerous chanting of "Woah!"

But as the sun sets, they realized they had to collect resources before mobs overwhelmed them.


Sigils, whilst everyone is running, over the discord call quietly says, "I never took a turn."

Henwy's voice over the call sounds extremely confused. "Wait you didn't?"

"No," Sigils says shyly. "I'm Sigils by the way-"

Each of the members run off to find their own resources before nighfall, hitting each other as a sign of good luck.

He smiles at the memory.

He didn't know that this server would become his reality.


So much nostalgia writing this omc--

I hope u'll like this! Can't wait to write more...when i get the time...


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