~snarling amongst the dancing flames~

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That was a hideous distortion of the truth. The ancient hellhound could no longer bear to be alone. Locked away from all he had known in the soul eating darkness laid so heavily upon him.

Rykar felt unstable.

He wouldn't allow himself to lose control. It had happened once before and it had led to his seemingly endless capture that would and could never kill the blue eyed beast.

But the coal black haired man had to regain his discipline. He must. Especially with his Bella so close.

Knowing that, even though he had terrified that lingering female fang, his mate wasn't perfectly safe. Rykar had bit back that all consuming feeling of ripping the undead creature to pieces. It would have cost him a single shred of himself and the beast lurking beneath his skin would more than likely decimate the town.

He growled lightly and shook the thoughts from his head before dissolving into the welcoming shadows once more. The feeling of being one with the shadows, utilizing their all known feature of existing from nothing... was so satisfying for the hellhound. It was like being swept up in an ice cold breeze and stepping out into an abrupt warmth of fresh air.

The hellhound of old found himself standing amongst tall trees. To his left, he could see the edge of the Quileute Reservation.

Rykar met the Alpha's uneasy gaze through the kitchen window of his precious little home and the blue eyed beast simply raised an eyebrow, letting the wolf know he wanted them to speak.

A curl of amusement tightened in his chest as the shifter quickly ran his eyes over the rest of the Pack, some of them looking wary and anxious while the others were curious and filled with awe. Rykar could see behind the tense Alpha, his scarred, beautiful imprint, looking the most terrified.

It seemed after their first encounter, the whole of the tribe had flocked to the small house, as the current Elders, whom the wolf had glanced at for guidance, were present.

The hellhound was losing his patience, letting a not so friendly snarl escape his throat. Even the humans of the Taha Aki tribe heard him.

Rykar knew his eyes had flared, igniting with the blazing fire that was embedded in his soul. And he could feel the unbridled fear that caused, satisfying the beast for only a split second.

Words were exchanged and assurances were given and finally, the Quileute soon made his way towards the hellhound.

He knew the wolf would follow him, so the blue eyed beast spun slowly on his heel to stalk back into the dark woods. It was about an hour before Rykar finally came to a stop, the two of them now deep in the forest.

"What do they call you?"

The already uneasy shifter almost jumped out of his skin at the taller man's quiet, but abrupt question, "Sam."

"You are not the true Alpha of this pack... why do you hold a title of such importance when it is not yours, to begin with?"

Rykar almost bared his teeth in annoyance, before simply narrowing his eyes, "And for the sake of your Warrior Ancestors,
face me as they did, proud and fearless."

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