Daughter of the underworld

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Name: Luna Iris Abigail ( Luna Iris) 16 Hades, Birthday: Friday, October 13

Home: Ilse   Style: Netherlands, Underworld   Status on Isle: Captain of Black Heart Ship

Place: Apartment   Piercings: Entire Right ear, inner right ear

Schooling: self taught(Auradon)

Hi there, my name is Captain Luna Iris, my dad is the god of the underworld. Mother, I don't have a clue who she is, and I'm really wondering if I do want to know her. Oh well, as long as she is happy and well. I have a heart people, just because I'm the daughter of Hades, doesn't mean anything. I am rebellious but also have very good qualities to me, I know how to cook, clean, read, fight, and build things.

I also am the captain of my own ship which took me five years to build. And it's practically like my baby. But moving on, I do have a bit of magic in me, the dark kind, and a little bit of good. And moving on, I am now being summoned by my father oh great.


" There's my little evil raven. How are you did you steal any souls today?" I smirked, " Four." He smiled, "That's my girl. Now, you know I love you right?" I said, "Dad I can see right through you. Spill." He said, "You have been accepted to go to Auradon Prep." I fake puked. " yeah no thanks, besides, I have my ship and crew to handle." I walked off, and of course, he had to stand in front of me. " You are going and that's final. I want what's best for you."

He gave me a real hug, like a genuine hug. " Okay, what have you been drinking?" He said, " Your going? Pack your bags."

My apartment

Grrr. " I hate him sometimes." But I saw my belongings were already packed. Into one suitcase, thanks for a mystic suitcase, Dad. Moving on since clearly I'm going tomorrow. I am getting sleep after I explain to my crew.

Next day

I woke up and my crew was understanding, I'm glad that they are so loyal. They are a part of the family. Plus my friend who is Dr. Facilier, and along with a few others have already gone to the isle. My dad is friends with him. And he treats me like his niece. But a few villain kids that have already left for Auradon is Mal, Evie, Carlos, Jay, dizzy, Harry, Gil, and now me. So moving on.

Auradon Prep

I got out of the car with my two bags, and my one bag felt like a ten-ton elephant. Grand hall

Walking in, I saw, King Ben, the fairy godmother, Ben's parents, Mal, and Evie. " Mrs. Abigail it's a pleasure to finally meet you. Welcome to auradon prep." I said, "Thank you, and it's the pleasure is all mine, King Ben. Thank you for inviting me to auradon." I curtsied. I do have manners, a witch taught me. She was very nice.

"We hope your stay will be alright. This is fairy godmother, my mother and father, Belle, and Beast. And my girlfriend Mal, and a friend Evie." I said, "It's nice to meet you all. And it is good to see you, Mal, and Evie." They smiled, " you three know each other?" I said, "Yes. The three of us were the craziest of them all. And Evie is the one who helped me create a cute style in fashion." She smiled, "Thanks and you are rocking that Offutt." I blushed, "Thanks, Evie."

Fairy godmother awed, "Shall we get you to your dorm?" I said, "Alright." I grabbed my bag, lugging it, "Here allow me." I said, "No, it's alright. It's just annoyingly heavy." Mal tried to carry it, " Oh my god. What is in this?" I said, "My room." She said, "Mystic?" I nodded, "Yep. Curious to dad."

Four months later: My dorm

I heard Evie, " Iris? Where are you?" I opened the suitcase door, and said, "In here Evie." She looked at me, "What the?" I said, "My room is in here, took me a while." She walked in, "Holy smokes." I smiled, "Welcome to casa iris. A little piece of home." She said, "Iris this is amazing." I said, "What did you wanna talk about?" She said, "Cotillion is coming up. We need to talk dresses." I quickly said, "Not going." She said, "Not even with a certain Mr. Hook?" I blushed, " shut up."

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