5. The Boyfriend

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“Love begins with an image; lust with a sensation” –Mason Cooley

I struggled through the door with a thousand bags -all brimming with the products of Lucy and my shopping expedition scouring the streets of London. Though clearly her career was successful it was evident she had lived a rather less privileged life at some point from her love of market stalls and finding unimaginable bargains. However, the hole in my wallet was not there as a reminder of the beginning of a friendship; but to help further a rather dawdling job. However, I couldn't give up "Damon?" I called - finally managing to squeeze through the door, "Are you there, love?"

Years in the business meant I had the necessary means to ensure should I not be in Damon's apartment at any time - I would still know exactly when and where he sneezed. As it turned out it was money down the drain because when we weren't in his bedroom we were lounging on my couch. With Damon being tipped as the next Oscar winner (and when one finds themselves in that position - they can normally choose when to work) and as I was a freelancer -which was true enough- days turned into weeks with the two of us slowly settling into a relationship.

He emerged through the small study with a phone pressed to his ear, "Hi," he mouthed at me and then returned to his phone, "Yes, ok! I'll be there!" he angrily started at the phone, then suddenly looked at me. After a fleeting moment he snuck back in the room but a whisper of words flowed back to me, "Yes, there's interest in them. Yes! What do you think I've been doing?! Yes, of course. Yeah... I'll tell her"

My mind reeled. Could this have been something to do with that picture? Was it drugs? Who was he talking to? Unable to hear anything I quietly started stashing away all my new items inside an already bursting wardrobe. Normally, the smell of new silk, the touch of new lace would've driven my crazy but those words replayed in my mind. It was frustrating - I was using all my best sources but nothing other than that one story connected Damon to drugs. Then again... "Hey, sorry - parents," he grinned at me, interrupting my thoughts.

"Who talks to their parents like that," I wondered to myself. Smiling at him, I went on, "Oh, what did they say?"

"Same old. Mum's nagging me to meet you... Actually she wanted to know if you could visit with me this weeked?" He hesitated, seeing me freeze he offered, "...But you know we don't have to do anything till you're ready..."

"Thank you for understanding," I reached on my tip toes and pecked him, "I just don't want to rush things, you know?" He didn't respond but deepened the kiss.

I had to give him this much, every kiss with Damon Beech was like the first -but he kissed like it was the last. Lifting my legs up, he wrapped them around his torso and continued kissing me. I couldn't help but moan when he crashed us both onto my dressing table. A thousand bottles of perfumes and pots of makeup went flying, but he didn't care - and to be perfectly honest, neither did I.

"Wait," I gasped while he continued kissing down my jaw line down to my collarbone. "Mmm?" he questioned his voice vibrating against my skin -driving me further insane. "Wait," I tried again, breathless, not wanting him to stop but for some reason I still told him, "Damon, I have a present for you!"

He stopped them. Stepping back, he left me still perched and breathless on the edge of the table. His dark hair still ruffled he looked at me accusingly, "You've just spent the afternoon with your sister -this can't be good news,"

I smiled then, and undid one button on top -just enough for him to see the black lace. I took another step closer. Another button. Another step and I was in full view. "So I guess I should return this then?" I whispered.

I never got the answer as his lips crashed onto mine them.


"I shall have to thank Sam," Damon gasped -slightly out of breath.

"Or tell her to buy a new pair - I'd be lucky if this set could be used as rags," I complained.

He suddenly rolled on top of me, "You loved it - I think the whole building could say that."

I rolled my eyes. Boys. "I don't know..." I ventured. His eyes glinted and I could feel him against me. "Maybe you can try and convince me again?"


"I can't believe we've wasted a whole evening," I mumbled -struggling out of bed.

"It wasn't exactly 'wasted'..." Damon's voice came muffled between the pillows.

"Oh, what do you call spending the whole day in bed?"

"I don't know ... Finding out my girlfriend likes it rough?" I could hear the laugh in his voice.

I chucked one of the abandoned pillows at him and smiled satisfied when I heard a small, "Ow!"

"Are you ever going to get up?"

"Ok, ok, why what time is it?"


"Fuck, really? No wonder I'm starving!" He looked at me, "I could just..."

"No Damon, I need actual food," I cut him off.

Half an hour later we were both tucking into huge bowls of noodles. Damon laughed at me because I had never ventured far into Chinese cuisine other than noodles, sweet n' sour chicken and crispy duck pancakes. It did turn out I was more accomplished at using chopsticks than he was.

"You'd think with all the restaurants 'Mr.-I'm-A-Big-Hollywood-Star' gets invited to you'd have picked up how to use chopsticks," I laughed at him

"I specifically ask never to visit any restaurants which have chopsticks in the nearest 10 mile radius," he announced.

"So you're a little brat then," I grinned at him.

It could be true though I reluctantly told myself. He's got the right ingredients ... Obnoxiously rich; parents who adore him -favour him over his sibling even; clearly used to getting his own way; and what about that phone call...? I wondered if that was actually to his parents. Did he really speak to them with that much disrespect? "Don't be stupid Jenna!" I scolded myself... "Don't make excuses for him just because you like him - he's a job!" I still flinched at those words - even though they were in my own head, but I pushed those nagging thoughts away - not wanting to concentrate on them at this moment. Who could with Damon walking towards me right now with only boxers on?

"I always get I want," he whispered against my lips before kissing them.

"Speaking of which -I was thinking, maybe I could go down with you to your parents this weekend? How bad can it be," Even to my own ears it sounded like I was trying to convince myself, as oppose to the man standing opposite me. Ignoring those pressing thoughts I smiled up at Damon.

"Like I said," He whispered, "I always get..." He kissed my collarbone, "what," the hollow of my neck, "I," he murmured kissing my neck, "want," and then his lips found mind.

And then the evening repeated itself. Except this time, I woke to find noodles -in unimaginable places.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2011 ⏰

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