Chapter sixteen

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Chapter sixteen

We've been Wilson through the book Eragon there was a loose piece of paper that fell on the floor

in front of them. Ben who was drunk and could barely bend over a let along make out the hand writing

because of how drunk he was, but he kept trying to make it out. Finally ben decided to sit down before

he fell down, as he did he noticed on the letter it said house blueprints which if he reads it right he will

be able to make out the whole layout of the house. Ben took a picture of the blueprints on his phone

and sent it to Royce who caption back emoji eyes and the words at that, which Ben made out to say

look at that. Ben was still sitting there going over the blue pants till he came across an addition that was

added underneath the house. Added before Jared's wife and kids death, and the blueprint makes it look

like a under ground bunker. Ben was so happy with the newfound information that he plan to get up

and find entrance while he was drunk and run in there like a bat out of hell in catch him a criminal

however, he was so drunk he passed out gripping the blueprint to sleep on the couch where he started

when he first got into the house.

Enjoying your meal Lauren does it taste exactly as you explained on the right here as you were

hitchhiking and wouldn't shut up. Those buns is the softest I've taste in a while Baozi was a good idea

and you browned and taste great as well. Jared finished up as he swallowed his last sip of beer without

any warning picked up the knife and sliced her throat perfectly directly across without blinking or even

giving notice. Lauren's body laid limp on the gurney hanging over the right side with blood draining from

her neck directly on the floor creating a large Pile until he put a bucket there to catch the blood until he

felt like cutting the rest of body into pieces and throwing them into his homemade furnace. Jared was so

full he decided to leave her laid out till morning when he would begin chopping her into pieces so the

bunker doesn't stink. Janet stood Up and noticed Jared walking into his dark room and the other

woman was nowhere to be found. Leaving her to believe she is the last of the women left and Lauren is


The next morning Ben awoke more frustrated and hung over then decided he couldn't wait for Royce

or back up to come he found the secret bunker under the house and he was making his move. Ben

began loading his SideArm bullet by bullet and strolling up to the elevator which led into the

underground bunker. Upon stepping foot on to the elevator he reached out with a text message to

Royce explaining what he had found and what his next move was. Then push the door shut a button

appeared he press the button and elevator shaft started cranking and working its way to the lower level.

Finally upon reaching the bottom, Ben began looking around and noticed a dead body on a gurney

missing her inner thighs and then as he looked further he noticed cubes were a woman was being held

in a cube against her will. Ben snuck up on her cage and began unlocking it the woman screamed a

unknowingly , but her cage was already opened ben backed up working his way towards the dark room

he had seen off the side of the cubes. He stuck his gun through first and then flashed through the

curtain to find nothing or no one in bed. Upon scanning the room Jared had already grabbed a knife that

was used to finish Lauren off, Jared began swinging it at ben as soon as he walked in closer. Jared had

hit ben in the arm forcing him to drop the gun and dislodging a bullet out of the barrel and to the dead

woman on the gurney. Jared and Ben begin to struggle on the floor for the gun Jared bit ben on the hip

and got over top of him and begin punching him in the face and screaming you had to come back for

more huh! Finally been pushed up with his hips and gained some leverage over Jared and began trying

to get him in a headlock. Jared of course bit his arm as he was sliding it underneath his chin and began

throwing more punches. Finally ben dove for the gun and was able to grab it, but Jared and him began

fighting for the gun in front of the doorway Jared finally knees ben in the groin causing him to hunch

over, he then grabs the gun from the arm he had grasped in his hands.

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