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kevin perez
the bronx, ny
sunday • 10:10 am

the bright sun shines through the room causing me to wake up. however, mulani was still knocked the fuck out. i stared down at her in my arms for a little while admiring her, my girl.

a few hairs from her wig stuck out through her bonnet leaving her with ticklish hairs against her soft skin. i used my hand to move some of them out of her face, carefully, to insure i didn't wake her.

i then rolled out of bed quietly going to the bathroom to do my morning routine. walking in, i brushed my teeth and washed my face. the splash of warm water in my face was enough to really wake me up.

in the mornings, i tend to be deep in thought. i'm used to be alone in the morning so i like coming to the bathroom and being in my own thoughts for a little while.

i stared up at myself through the glass of the mirror. moments from yesterday's events flashing in my mind.

"yo, bro, come outside! we spinnin." dougie told me. i looked down at my phone checking the time. it was still pretty early. broad daylight tho? i mean im with the shits whenever but damn.

"hollon wait, right now?" i said into the speaker. "yes nigga, hurry up. imma drop the lo." dougie replied. "ight, say dat. i'm on my way, safety."

i quickly threw a random hoodie on and my shoes before rushing out the door, keys in hand. i hopped in my car and weaved through traffic to the location dougie sent me.

once i reached him, i got in his v. when i got in, i noticed zaire, another guy from our block, was in the car as well. he was younger than us by a couple years but he was fearless. i fuck with him. and imma always make sure i got him. always.

"where we spinnin?" i asked dougie. "ogz block." he replied, focusing on the road."bet, finna catch us a new opp!" i shouted.

the drive wasn't too bad. of course the closer we got, the more antsy i began to feel. moments like these give me an adrenaline rush. i can't get enough of it. i feel alive.

we slowly drove around the block, our heads on a swivel. we lurked around waiting to catch anyone lacking. soon enough, zaire spotted some nigga from ogz side walking down the sidewalk unaware of his surroundings. dumbass.

"YO! THERE HE GO RIGHT THERE!" zaire alerted us. dougie and i snapped our necks in every direction until we saw him. i don't know who that nigga is but zaire does. he ogz for sure.

quicker than expected, zaire darted out of the car yelling,"DONT RUN! AYO, DONT RUN!" the young boy shouted out, chasing the man. immediately after, i jumped out of the car running after zaire to make sure he's good. dougie stayed in the car as he was the designated driver.

as the nigga was running, i heard dougie pull up by us. "HOP IN THE V! THE BOYS UP THE BLOCK! " the young man had shouted. zaire and i immediately slow down allowing the other nigga to unfortunately escape our sight.

we took this as a sign to hop back in the whip and dip out. heavy breathing was heard all throughout the car due to the two of us running just minutes prior. "whea we goin?" zaire questioned. "we takin yo ass back
to the block." dougie said, slightly laughing.

a few hours after our little unsuccessful drill, we all headed back to the block to chill for a little bit and maybe even debrief some about what happened.

as i stood in the mirror, i ran my hands through my braids before walking back out into the bedroom. mulani was still sleeping safe and soundly, dreaming about whatever.

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