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School was out for the summer, so I did what I always did with my mom... Well, except she got a new job, so she wasn't able to do it anymore.

Basically, every summer, I go to East High, and play basketball. It helps me forget about life for a little. My mom used to go to this school, then it just closed down, but people are still able to visit it. I'd say this place is like my summer home, except I can't stay there.

I also love the High School Musical movies, it's my favorite movie of all time, I feel home in the High School, so I come here every summer. I'm so grateful that my mom showed me this place. I wish I went to school here but... Life is life I guess.

As I was playing, my phone started to ring. It was Emma, my bestie. She's been my best friend ever since we figured out that we were the same person, she was quiet and shy, and so was I. Hey! That rhymed :)

I picked it up without a second thought, "Hey, what's up?"

"Hey, girlieee! Whatchu doing?"

"Not much, just playing basketball like always."

"Ah... I wish I could come for the summer, but you know, gotta help dad with the store."

"Yeah, it's fine. I get that. I just wish my mom was here but the lady just has to work. Like, why can't they give her a vacation as well for the summer?"

"I KNOW RIGHT?! It's so stupid."


"Oh, shit, sorry. I gotta go. My dad's calling me."

"It's fine, good luck."

"Thanks, you too!"

Then she hung up.

"Well, here I am again, all alone. I'm so crazy why am I talking to myself?" I asked, then as I was playing I started to sing and dance to "Getcha Head In The Game" it was one of the songs I vibed to.

I kept throwing the basketball and making shots, I've been playing for all my life, so I've gotten quite good at shots. I could close my eyes and make one, turn around and make one. I think the furthest I went and got a shot was... Idek, pretty far.

As I was playing, I heard footsteps... Whose there? Holy shit, is there a shooter??? I doubt that.

"Mom?" I asked... No answer.

"Okay, then. Probably just heard my ball or something." I said, then continued to play. However, then I got a call from my mom.

"Hey, Mom."

"Hey, sweetie, I might be a little late from work today. What are you up to?"

"Just playing basketball at EH, like every summer."

"Aww, I miss our little mother daughter times. I'm so sorry I can't make it..."

"It's fine, Mom. You're trying your best for the both of us, that's all that matters." if I didn't mention, my dad left us at a very young age. He said that he couldn't take care of a baby right now. Tbh, it's his choice. It wouldn't make him a very good parent, but maybe he knew something I didn't. I never knew my dad, so I can't exactly hate him. All I know is his name, Jonathan. I'm not even sure of his last name. And I'm not sure I want to know. Maybe it's just better this way. I'm using my mom's last name right now, and I'm fine with that. She's the best mom in the world.

"Thank you for understanding, honey. I love you!"

"I love you, too." then I hung up.

As I was playing, I heard footsteps again. Honestly, I don't care anymore. People visit all the time, they don't see me. They don't hear me. They don't talk to me, I'm practically invisible. And honestly, I don't mind it. I just kept on playing basketball. This is a public place after all, I can't exactly stop anyone from visiting.

Invisible? I see you. (Joshua Bassett X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now