Chapter 11

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Issei was sleeping heavily, when he heard Ddraig.

"Partner, wake up, I feel your Master's magic," Ddraig said as Issei opened his eyes, only to see Rias appearing from a magic circle.


"Issei kun, quick, take my virginity," she said as Issei's eyes widened.

"W-what? What's happening B-Buchou? Why, all of a sudden?" he asked, more confused than aroused.

"Why, am I not good enough?" she asked, undressing, as Issei looked her in the eyes.

'Wait... her eyes, they're not like they usually are. They're cold... like... like Yuuma's!'

"S-Senpai," he muttered, backing away, the trauma still fresh in his mind.

"Issei? You don't want this?"

"N-not like this! I mean I, heck, anyone would be lucky to be in my position, b-but it's your first time... it needs to b-be with someone you love..."

"And what makes you think that I don't love you?"

"Y-your eyes... they're like Yu- Raynare's..."

This stopped Rias in her track, as she realized what she was doing.

'That's right... I was just trying to use him, like that bitch...' she thought as guilt filled her eyes.

"I- I'm sorry Issei Kun... please forget anything happened," She said as another magic circle appeared.

"With this lowborn? Sirzechs Sama would be so disappointed..." the woman who came out said, as Issei looked at them both, confused.

"Nothing happened Grayfia, and I would appreciate it if you didn't refer to him as such. I cannot allow anyone, not even my brother's queen, to call my dear pawn that," she said with a glare.

"I see, pleasure to make your acquaintance, my name is Grayfia, and I am service of the Gremory family," Grayfia said with a bow, as Issei, still stunned nodded.

"H-hai, I am Issei Hyoudou."

"Alright Issei Kun, I'll see you in school. Again, I apologize for what happened," Rias said before disappearing into a magic circle with Grayfia.

"I did not expect you to deny her, partner. Steve has been a great influence on you," Ddraig's voice echoed in his mind.


Issei was still dazed as he and Asia walked toward the ORC. From the morning, his mind was fixed on what had happened, and he was just extremely confused.

As he entered the club, he felt the tense atmosphere.

"So... everyone's here," Rias said as Grayfia nodded.

"My lady, so if I begin talk-"

Grayfia was cut off by a magic circle, and the next moment a blonde man appeared with fire all around him, and 15 girls behind him.

"Hmm, it's been a while since I've been to the human world," he said as he turned, making eye contact with Rias and grinning smugly.

"Riser has come to see you, my beloved Rias," he said, as Kiba muttered to Issei, telling him that Riser was Rias' fiance.

Issei felt something inside him break, until Rias spoke up.

"I've said countless times, I don't want to marry you, Riser," Rias angrily said as Riser put his hand on her cheek, making her uncomfortable. That is, until he felt his hand being grabbed.

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