Chapter 11: Payback

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The water was calming, despite the intense atmosphere. As the boys talked, Naruto closed his eyes, and allowed himself to soak. Sasuke stared between his bangs, making sure no one messed with Naruto as he attempted to relax.
Kiba's nose twitched.
"Hey Shikamaru! How's that one girl you like? What's her name.. mari something?" Kiba joked. Shikamaru scowled.
"Her name is Temari. And I don't like her. She's just a friend." He scoffed. Kiba laughed. "That's such bullshit! That's like Naruto that one time trying to convince Sakura to go out with him."
Naruto and Sasuke froze, almost in unison.
"Ain't that right, Naruto? How's that going, by the way? Last I checked, she was too obsessed with Sasuke to even notice you." Kiba giggled.
"I do seem to recall Naruto making quite a fool of himself when we were kids, trying to get Sakura to like him," Shino adds.
"...Well, we aren't little kids anymore. I don't see Sakura that way anymore. I haven't for a while," He mumbles.
Sasuke gazes at Naruto, almost hopeful.
"You haven't for a while? Then who do you like anyway?" Kiba asked.
Naruto averted his eyes to the water. He slowly sank down, and put his arms up, beside both sides of his head.
"No way! Naruto's got a crush!" Kiba pointed and laughed, loudly. He turned to Sasuke, who, by this point, began staring daggers at Kiba. Kiba smirked.
"How about you, Mr. Stud? Any of the hundreds of chicks worth your time?" Kiba nudged. Sasuke grunted, without breaking eye contact with him.
"I don't care about any of them." He stated.
"You don't care about chicks?"
Kiba's face contorted into an devious smile as Sasuke realized his mistake.
"So, what. Girls not good enough for you?"
"Kiba—" Shikamaru attempted to intervene.
"You ain't satisfied easily?" Kiba snickered. "Girls just.. don't do it for ya?.. Can't satisfy you the way a dude could?"
"Kiba cut it out, asshole." Naruto hissed. Kiba looked to Naruto, and squinted. He looked at the two boys, barely a foot from each other, while bare naked in a hot springs. He took one hand and placed it on his chin.
"Y'know, now that I think about it... you guys have gotten pretty chummy these past few days, huh." He stated. Naruto's eyes widened, and he began to shiver, despite being submerged in steaming water. Sasuke, on the other hand, didn't budge. He sat, firmly, with his arms crossed; he made complete eye contact with Kiba.
"Kiba what the hell are you talking about?" Shikamaru raised an eyebrow.
"No way.." Kiba's hand dropped into the water. Sasuke's composure broke as Kiba's epiphany was born.
"Sasuke and Naruto have been—" He would've said 'Sasuke and Naruto have been fooling around', given their hormonal scents and body language, but a loud Rock Lee stopped him.
"Narutooooo!" He shouted, as he practically ran on water to their group. All the boys groaned as Rock Lee made his way over, Neji in tow. Rock Lee splashed everywhere, Neji scolded him, Shikamaru said something along the lines of 'what a drag', Shino camouflaged himself into the water... but Sasuke didn't move. He didn't acknowledge anything but Kiba. At this moment, Kiba and Sasuke just glared at each other.
Suddenly, Sasuke felt something brush against his leg. He looked to his left, and saw Naruto a complete wreck. He had nudged Sasuke with his foot, with all the strength he could. He was breathing heavily again, his shoulders visibly shook, and he looked panicked. He was so focused on keeping Kiba from talking that he neglected to aid Naruto as he promised. Sasuke looked back to Kiba, and used his Sharingan. A genjutsu was now in place, stopping Kiba from doing anything but breathe. He quickly left with Naruto, in the middle of the chaos.
As Sasuke quickly covered Naruto, Choji had just begun jumping into the water, ignoring the heat, just to make a huge splash. Kiba's eyes followed the pair, unable to act.
Sasuke rushed Naruto to the changing room, now empty, and helped him get his clothes from his cubby.
Now arose a conundrum: Naruto is physically unable to dress himself. Sasuke couldn't bring him home naked, he'd freeze. Sasuke's ears burned hot as he tried to think quickly. He closed his eyes, and carefully removed Naruto's towel. He looked away, and got him to step unto his boxers. He quickly and forcefully pulled them up, and the sudden force caused Naruto to lose the little bit of balance he had. This forced Sasuke to have to open his eyes to catch Naruto. They both fell to the floor. Naruto's shivering stopped.
Sasuke now laid on top of Naruto, his towel opened in the front, while Naruto had his back to the floor. They locked eyes. Sasuke's eyes were softened as he noticed Naruto seise his shacking, but Naruto's face turned red. Sasuke leaned down, placing his forehead on Naruto's.
Naruto leaned back on one elbow as Sasuke shifted his legs. The towel that Naruto had on was now on his stomach, stopping him from fully seeing Sasuke's 'bits'. Sasuke's legs opened, as Naruto's legs found themselves, once again, around Sasuke's waist. Sasuke began to give into his instincts, and slowly began rubbing himself onto Naruto.
The boys fell back into their rhythm.
Sasuke placed one hand at Naruto's hip, and the other beside his head. Naruto leaned on one elbow, and allowed the other hand to reach for Sasuke's head, and settle under his ear, and onto his neck.
The grinding began, Naruto closed his eyes and attempted to thrust upward. Sasuke's eyes stayed open, taking in the sight before him. Naruto muttered a variety of curses under his breath, trying to fill the empty room with noise.
"Augh.. f-fuck.." Naruto groaned. Sasuke's length became frustratingly firm. The heat from the springs emitting into the changing room caused the boys to sweat, and gasp. Sasuke stared at Naruto's mouth.
Was it wrong to want to kiss him?
Knowing that they do this for Naruto's physical state, and nothing more, would it okay to kiss him right now?
As Sasuke battled himself subconsciously, Naruto's hand began slipping off of Sasuke, and as it fell, he stopped breathing so heavily. His elbow gave out, and he fell limp.
Sasuke stopped, sighed, and wrapped himself back up. He dressed Naruto and threw on his own clothes. With great strength, he picked Naruto up and carried him out of the hot springs.

End of Chapter 11.
Kiba is such a punk!!!
also hi i'm not dead, just super busy :3
i hope you enjoyed this chapter!!
please vote and comment to let me know you're liking it, it'll give me more motivation to continue/finish!
1134 words lovelies !!!
<3 sugarski

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