𝟎𝟏𝟗.𝟓: 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭

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"Hey, is that the lipstick I bought you?" You ask as Emma walks in. Her outfit was as stylish as usual. "It is! It's so cute, thank you again," she says smiling, "Teachers couldn't even notice I was wearing it."

You knew dress codes were a little strict, so you made sure it was a sheer, natural shade of pink. It did look very pretty on her, complimenting her complexion.

"You've got good taste," Hina compliments you. All of you decided to have a mini girls-day at Hina's. Hina claims that the three of you don't hang out often. You agree in your head, lately, you've been talking to Takemichi, Mikey and even Draken. It felt refreshing being around Hina and Emma. It's not like they had time-leaping troubles or were gang members.

All three of you sit, eating snacks Hina got from the pantry.

"That bear Draken got for you looked so fluffy!"

"Oh, I love it! That necklace you're wearing, must've been from Takemichi, right?"

Hina giggles, "Yeah, I wear it every day now."

You shift your eyes back and forth, listening to each of them as they talk about their boyfriends. Even though the boyfriends weren't here, you felt like a third wheel.

"Has Mikey gifted you anything?" Hina asks, letting you join the conversation. "Why would he?" You ask. He didn't know your birthday and there weren't any holidays or events that would make sense to be receiving a gift. So you were confused at the shocked expression.

"You've been dating for how long and he hasn't given you anything?!" Emma yells. You immediately confirm you two weren't a thing. "Didn't you take him to the cafe he brought Emma?" Hina asks. The both of them had teasing faces on. Emma nudged you to answer. "He asked me out once but that's it," you say, not staring at any of the girls.

Emma looked disappointed, "On a date but not as your girlfriend?" She places her head on the palm of her hand, "Clearly, he's into you," Hina nods at her statement. You wave both your hands, doubting it.

Before either of them asked further, you decided to talk. "How'd you and Draken meet by the way?" You say quickly. Emma was slightly surprised you asked, "He came over a lot. He used to help me whenever I was doing chores, mostly anything to do with carrying things."

"Don't tell him 'cause I think he might be embarrassed, but he's the one who asked me out," Emma said, smiling. Thinking about that memory. Hina chimes in, "He did? Wow!"

"And you?" Emma shoots the question to Hina, who looked flustered being asked. "Well..." Hina averts her eyes, "I was the one who asked Takemichi out."

Emma looked shocked but you weren't. You assumed Takemichi must've been too chicken. "He really is a wussy boy," Emma comments, making you laugh.

"Actually, I don't think he remembered who I was before," Hina admits. The girl proceeded to tell Emma how she and Takemichi met. How Takemichi tried protecting her from bullies who were older than them. "When I found out he was in the same middle school, I had to ask him out!"

Emma compliments Hina for being brave. Saying she didn't tell Draken she had feelings for him until he asked her out. You saw the two girls look over at you. "Before you ask," you start, "I'm not asking Mikey out."

"WHY NOT?!" Both of them shout. You shrug, "I... wanna focus on my studies?" You try to make an excuse. Truthfully, you didn't know if you wanted to ask him out. You were still unsure about your feelings toward him. You also didn't care much about your studies.

"This is the first time Mikey seemed interested in a girl," Emma tells you. "If he already asked you on a date, it's only a matter of time until he asks you to be his girlfriend."

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