Chapter 45- Among the Wicked

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Warning: Traumatic Behavior and Violence

"There are more ways that a person can hurt another than I can count, but you are strong and resilient. I may not always be here to protect you, but I'm confident now that you can take care of yourself. I don't know what we should expect from these people, but they're our future now, and we need to do what it takes to do what's best for them, as well as ourselves." my mother explains as we look over the city. Rebuilding would take years, but now, we have nothing but time.

"I don't feel like I'm strong enough to do this." I sigh as I watch over them, seeing Aunt Carmen help clear the old rubble out of the way.

"You don't have to feel like you are, I already know the truth." she smiles as she reaches her arm around me "I don't just call you my little warrior just because it's cute, you know. I do it because it's who you are."

My dreams seem to try to be encouraging, but nothing that they say can help me out of this. I may have lived four lifetimes, but these people are ancient, and I am far outmatched. Sterling proved that he can take whatever part of me that he wants, and I am powerless to fight back. Hell, it's been over a week now, and I've been bested by a stupid door. I've tried, but I can't get a sense of what he did to seal it like that. Even if Kai randomly decides to release me, I can't step into the hall without getting burned. Mother was wrong, I'm not strong enough to protect myself.

"Good morning, lovely." I hear Sterling say from the sofa. As I glance over, I watch him knawing on a tough piece of bread "Hungry?" he asks politely as he holds a small loaf out to me.

"I'll pass." I sigh, still feeling sick to my stomach after what happened yesterday night.

"Darling, you need to keep your strength up." he states as he comes over to sit beside me "I wouldn't want you passing out on me again." he smiles. Reluctantly, I sit up and take it.

"Sounds like you're going to bite me again." I sigh as I begin to eat.

"Perhaps." he says casually as he watches me "I like to be prepared regardless."

"How kind of you," I state as I roll my eyes. I can help but feel disgusted as he stares at me; I know that he's thinking about where he wants to cut me open next.

"Would you quit glaring at me like that?" he asks as he begins to pace across the room "I know that you're still not happy with me, but that attitude isn't going to help anything," he explains irritatedly.

"Sorry, but I can't exactly help it." I sigh as I finish the bread "What was that last night?" I ask boldly. Suddenly, he stops and turns away from me.

"I was hoping that it would prove to you that I'm not as wicked as you've painted me to be." he sighs as he glances back at me "You may not believe it, but I do care about you, and the last thing I want to do is truly hurt you."

"Then why is it that I have trouble believing that?" I ask as I nervously watch him, he seems to be staring at the door.

"You know what," he states as he begins to pace to the door "I figured that of all people, you would understand the complexities of someone like me. I guess that your mother decided not to tell you everything after all. Pity." he sighs as he reaches for the doorknob.

"No," I state as I stand up "I'm so sick of this. You aren't going to just say something like that and then walk away." I say angrily. Suddenly, he lets go and turns back around to face me, taking a deep breath as his eyes fade away from their red glow.

"Are you sure that you want to know the truth?" he asks curiously as if he already knows the answer.

"Why wouldn't I?" I ask nervously, trying to sound confident.

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