Chapter 11: Saber vs Kenzan/Meet Kamen Rider Necrom

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(Nathaniel, Tadano, Naoto and Sakurai are seen in Star City as Green Arrow guides them to the Quiver.)

Nathaniel: So? Are we going to Arrowcave or something?

Green Arrow: I prefer the name Quiver.

Tadano: Makes more sense. But why are we here?

Green Arrow: I want you guys to meet some people.

(They reach the Quiver, and they see two people.)

Green Arrow: Kamen Riders, meet Red Arrow and Arrowette.

Green Arrow: Kamen Riders, meet Red Arrow and Arrowette

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Red Arrow: (monotone) Hey.

Red Arrow: (monotone) Hey

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Arrowette: Hi.

(Suddenly she sees Nathaniel and blushes madly.)

Green Arrow: Sorry about Red Arrow, he's been too focused on looking for Cheshire and Sportsmaster.

Nathaniel: I wonder why though.

Green Arrow: I have no idea either.

(Nathaniel then sees Arrowette blushing.)

Nathaniel: Uh... are you alright?

Green Arrow: Oh, she doesn't say much either. (glares at Arrowette) Cissie, don't be rude.

Arrowette: Oops, sorry...

(Red Arrow sighs until he finds out the current location of Sportsmaster.)

Red Arrow: Found you.

(Red Arrow then takes his weaponry and leaves the Quiver as Green Arrow sighs.)

Green Arrow: Go after him.

(They Kamen Riders and Arrowette nod in agreement as they follow Red Arrow.)


(Nathaniel and his team set out to follow Red Arrow as they suddenly sees him along with Kid Flash and Artemis fighting Cheshire.)

Nathaniel: There they are.

(They prepare to transform, not knowing that a black haired figure with sharingan eyes is watching them.)

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