Not better than the straights

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If this city was a song, today it would be a chaotic mix of percussions with the most bizarre lyrics ever know. Boston, doesn't make much sense sometimes. Is quite an artistic city, with the most cartoonish characters on a very grayish background. She doesn't understand it or love it, yet. Trixie won't admit it, even to herself, but sometimes she misses her small hometown. But the place where she grew up doesn't feel like home anymore, now it is a scary and lonely part of the world. Boston feels like freedom and new opportunities but still after a year at Berklee, Trixie still can't call this place home.

Inside her mind, Trixie looks at the world surrounded by music notes and she believes that everything has their own rhythm. She likes to sit on quiet places and look at her surroundings. Trixie imagines the soundtrack of the scenes she is witnessing. Sometimes she even dares to dream about her own fairytale and how it would sound. Her person, her true love would sound like a soft ballad with the excitement of the disco era. Something between Cindy Lauper and Abba. So far, her heart only keeps the sweet voices of her grandparents and her mind fights against the screams of the monsters in her life.

Her grandparents raised her and create for her a pink world when she was in the darkest place a child could be. They allowed her to dream and became the brave girl she is now. When they died, she inherited their farm, and she tried for sometime to keep it alive. Until one day she realized that her grandparents wouldn't want her to forget about her own wishes. The day after her 22th birthday she sold the farm and she applied to Berklee. At 24, somedays she feels like an old dinosaur trying to live the dreams of young girls. Which she knows is crazy but still she works harder than anyone and doesn't waste any opportunities.  That's why, while everyone is enjoying their spring brake, she is working as an assistant for her music production professor.

So far it has been good and interesting, today not so much. To say that she is having a rough day would be a nice way to put it. From a cold shower, to stepping on dog poop and been attacked by an old lady with an umbrella, Trixie is just ready to go back home and hide.  She decided to make a quick stop at the mall to grab a bite, and it was the worst idea. The place is packed and she is hungry to the point she is willing to kill someone for a salad.  The last sit on the food court is on the bar in front of the carrousel.  And is the first time in all day that she smiles looking at the pink attraction and the beautiful horses.

There's a couple next to her, the girl is sitting with her back facing Trixie and the man is facing the girl.  They are talking really close to each other faces, but still so loud that everyone can hear their conversation. Is kind of annoying but Trixie focuses on her salad while she scrolls on twitter. The woman next to her most be in her 30's but she is talking like a little girl, clearly being a brat.

The man is making her girlfriend giggle and Trixie can feel the girl hitting her arm constantly when she bends backwards with laughter. Trixie is trying to be patience until the girl hits her really hard and Trixie turns around to ask her politely to stop. But before she could say anything, she sees another girl behind the man. A blond girl with the most mesmerizing blue eyes and soft red lips. The girl has the messiest short curly blond hair and the craziest black eyes shadow. "Priviet! In Russia we don't appreciate people hitting us while we try to eat our orange chicken. You know?" The girl says with a raspy voice and a harsh accent. The fearful face of the man makes Trixie laugh and the blond girl smirks softly. They look at each other for a brief moment while the man says sorry and hugs his girlfriend closer. Trixie goes back to her salad when suddenly sucking noises and moans get her attention.

Again the beautiful blue eyes of the girl meet with her own and they share a gesture of disgust. The couple is almost fucking next to them. The girl with the red lips start mocking them which makes Trixie laugh hard. The girl seems to enjoy it so she keeps going and Trixie can't contain her laughter. She laughs like a bird and that seems to amused the blue eye girl to the point that she stands up laughing. Trixie loves the girl's crazy wheezing, so she wants to make her do it again. Without thinking to much Trixie makes a moans loudly which makes the girl completely lost it.

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