Chapter 1 - The Tomfoolery Begins Again

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"It has been two years since the Cinnamon Buns incident. Sephiroth's head reattached itself somehow, and Barret locked him in a cage right beside the chair Vincent apparently lives on. He now has to watch vines with Vincent all day every day, and I think it's really getting to him. I mean, I don't blame him, they get annoying after the seventy-third time, but he one hundred percent deserves it for the shit he put us through. Frankly, I would've preferred the bastard stayed dead, but I'll take what I can get. Though, I'm on edge, since Sephiroth is alive again, so that's kept me up some nights. Other than that, nothing noteworthy's really happened in the past two years. So, I guess that's it for this entry. -Cloud."
Cloud closed his journal, and left his room. As he walked down the stairs, he looked around the house. The same house as always. He walked into the kitchen, and saw something he didn't expect.
"Huh?" Cloud said in shock. "Sephiroth? How'd you get out of the cage?"
"Vincent left the feeding door open." Sephiroth said. "From there, I was able to make my grand escape."
"How'd you even slip past Vincent?" Cloud asked.
"He went to the bathroom." Sephiroth said. "He was gone for over an hour, so I decided to make my escape." Cloud was dumbfounded. He couldn't speak. Eventually, Sephiroth spoke.
"I'm making a pie." Sephiroth said. "I'd appreciate it if you helped me."
"You? Making something?" Cloud said, raising an eyebrow. "Last time you made something, you killed us. How am I supposed to trust you?"
"Because I've barely just started." Sephiroth said. "When would I have found the time to put poison in a pie I've just started?" Cloud pondered for a moment. Sephiroth had a point. If he had just started, he wouldn't have the chance to poison it. Eventually, Cloud spoke again.
"Alright." Cloud said. "I'll help you out. But no tricks, got it?"
"Of course." Sephiroth said. "I got it." Cloud walked behind the counter, and they began on the pie. Cloud made sure to keep an eye on Sephiroth during the procedure, and all went smoothly. But, just as they were about to put the pie in the oven, they heard a crash, and turned to see Vincent standing in the kitchen.
"Sephiroth." Vincent said. "How did you get out of the cage?"
"You left the feeding door open." Sephiroth said. "So I reached for the lock, and made my escape."
"Clever." Vincent said. "You're pretty clever. And just what do you think you're doing?"
"I'm making a pie, and Cloud is helping." Sephiroth said.
"You? Making a pie?" Vincent said. "Last time you made something..."
"I killed you all. I'm aware." Sephiroth said. "But Cloud has been helping since the beginning of the procedure. I had no chance to poison it."
"As much as I hate to admit it," Cloud said. "Sephiroth's right. I've been helping since the beginning, and I haven't taken my eye off of him."
"Very well." Vincent said. "When this pie is done, I would like to have some."
"I made sure that we used enough ingredients to feed everyone at least one slice." Sephiroth said. "You will all get to have some. For now, however, I ask for your patience."
"Call me over when it's done." Vincent said. "Until then, back to the chair." Vincent walked away, and Cloud put the pie in the oven. After it finished, Sephiroth placed it on the table, and called everyone over. Aerith was the first to arrive.
"What is this?" Aerith asked.
"A pie." Sephiroth said. "Cloud helped me make it from the beginning, so I had no chance to poison it."
"He's right." Cloud said. "As much as I hate to admit it."
"See?" Sephiroth said. "No poison."
"If Cloud says so." Aerith said.
"Hey, Aerith." Cloud said. "I've gotta tell you something in the other room really quick before we eat. It's important."
"Alright." Aerith said. Cloud and Aerith went to the other room, and while they were gone, everyone else showed up. When Cloud and Aerith came back, they all had a slice.
"Shit, this is actually pretty good." Cid said. "When it ain't poisoned, Sephiroth makes good food."
"I have to agree." Vincent said. "This is one of the best pies I've had in ages." As everyone dug in, Sephiroth stood behind the counter, watching.
"My plan worked." Sephiroth said to himself. "They've all taken the bait. Now to watch them all drop dead." As he continued to watch, they all dropped dead.
"Yes!" Sephiroth exclaimed. "I've done it! AVALANCHE is dead!" As he finished, he heard a sigh at the table, and looked over in shock.
"How did I know you'd pull this..."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2023 ⏰

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