episode 4

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as we walk to breakfast i sit next to Sugar and Spice with Anetra directly opposite me Sasha hadn't arrived yet

Mistress: so we all saw the two of you talking why do you keep avoiding the situation 

Y/n: because this is a competition and i will be professional 

spice: but queens have done it before

Y/n: And it was used against them for story purpose 

Mistress: so are you admitting it 

Sasha then walked in  and sits down next to Anetra.

Sasha: so who's exited for today 

Y/n: i am hopefully i can get a win 

Loosey: i will be getting the win

Luxx: so we all ready to fight for this win 

(time skip to walking into the workroom)

we all skip into the work room i link arms with luxx as everyone gets to the table as spice starts to shade amethyst i can't keep my eyes off of Sasha. she has a really fluffy jacket on. i just want to hug it. as Ru walks in shes announces that it will  be snatch game 

Y/n: why it's so early 

luxx: what 

Spice: huh 

we all walk over to our stations. and i'm with anetra and Sasha.

Y/n: so who are you going to be 

Anetra: gorgena Ramsey

Y/n: are you gonna try a British accent

Anetra: yes 

Y/n: oh god 

Sasha: well i'm going to be Jan crouch 

Y/n: i have no clue who that is

Sasha: she is a televangelist 

Anetra: and you 

Y/n: Lilly savage or Paul o Grady 

Anetra: so you between two

Y/n: no she a drag queen 

Anetra: oh makes sense  

we go to do snatch game and i  have a good feeling about how i did because Ru is laughing and so are the other girls my main completion is  loosey as she the main other person getting laughs in our group. i feel bad for the twins as hey seem to be bombing quiet badly it is quiet awkward.  but we all go back to the workroom after we are done. 

Sasha: you were brilliant really witty 

Y/n: i feel like i have this in the bag if it isn't loosey's win

Sasha: i think you did enough for the win 

Y/n: one can only hope

we all go back to our hotel room i start to sit alone with my thoughts and i cant get Sasha out of my head she's keeps being really sweet to me. i keep thinking back to Anetra and i talked about and how all my new and lasting friends keep trying to get us together. i'm starting to think there might actually be something there.

(next day)

we all walk into the workroom and everyone is talking about when they came out and Loosey is saying about how it took her a while to come out

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