Frankly speaking, you're not very convincing (2)

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A/N I just came back from an exam and I got jump scared by the numbers this book got


Now you can see why Wally was somewhat threatened by Frank.

He knows so much and thinks too much. You begin to wonder how he never realized the weirdness of this place or your strange behavioral patterns. Everyone seems to have a fixed personality and hobbies like a cartoon character while you're all over the place– aggressive, calm, too loud, too quiet– would Frank become aware of that soon?

You eat one of Julie's colorful cupcakes as you read through the notepad Wally used to write in Frank's criticisms while the rest of your picnic buddies talk amongst themselves.

Even if he did, Wally would intervene in some way you have no idea of.

The sun hides in the clouds, the wind sings with the butterflies, and the flora is lively as always. The atmosphere makes you want to close your eyes and fall asleep to the soft chatters of your neighbors. This is a rare instance of your life where everything feels...normal. Too normal that it makes you more nervous to even fall asleep.

"–Thousands of tiny scales that overlap in rows cover their wings. The butterfly's appearance is due to its colorful scale patterning." You overhear Frank explains.

"Ooh! Like snakes? Snakes have scales!" Julie says in avidity.

"Yes, just like snakes and lizards." Frank nods enthusiastically in his own way.

"Hm....snakes..." You utter absentmindedly, catching Julie's attention.

"Do you like snakes? I think they're quite cute despite what others say!"

You look at her before eyeing Wally who in turn tilts his head in silent curiosity. You almost scoff at how properly he's sitting–legs tucked under his body and his hands folded on his lap.

"I wouldn't say cute. Vicious creatures," you mutter the last part, still eyeing Wally. You might as well contribute to their animal facts conversation. Listlessly, you say, "Did you know they have a permanent smile? Fun fact, I guess."

"Really!?" Julie seems to smile even wider at that, "Where'd you see one!? I'd like to see one!"

"Uh..." It wouldn't hurt to tell the truth. "A zoo. In my city. They let you take a picture with the snakes and this one zoo keeper keeps pushing this big snake in my face."

"...The city?" Julie ponders wistfully, " far would that be?"

"Miles and miles away, maybe," Frank shrugs. "I'm sure you can find a lot of those just at the edge of the town and..."

They talk and talk and talk and your heavy eyelids effectively convince you to go to sleep. You readjust yourself to make space for you to lie on but a swift hand on your back stops you from completely lying down. You twist around and see Wally silently patting his leg. You shoot him a dirty look and look back down at his hand.

Well, since he offered, you think, resigned.

A little voice in your head ponders if this kind of PDA is enough to convince Frank but drowsiness quickly wipes away the thought. With a huff, you lay your head on his lap but Wally quickly fixes his sitting position into a more comfortable one, consequently hitting your head with his knee. "I didn't think you'd actually accept that," He chuckles when he catches your glare.

"Uh-huh," you carelessly reply and close your eyes.

You sleep but you're unable to when a hand combs through your head, tickling every edge of your scalp. You dream, though you're unable to. You dream of the faraway city these townspeople have imagined and ponder how long have they been living in this little town called Home. If you ask, will they answer? Julie seems clueless about this unknown city and Frank, a man of specifics, merely makes an assumption.

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