001. Map bitch

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"Oi! there's a fully gacked sex map in the old stairwell! it's called the incest map!", a random girl announced as everyone in the quad ran towards the stairwell. I was talking to Ant and as usual Spider was being a pain in the ass. I'm Layla. Layla Reid. 

"what in kids helpline", darren spoke almost sounding concerned. Honestly, it would be extremely concerning if he didn't sound concerned. "A wristy? with darren, I didn't know you were into dudes", spider blurted out referring to ant and darren. "Wait- Wait, you kissed Layla?", Ant asks spider. 

shit shit shit. He wasn't supposed to find out. It was a mistake. I mean cmon, me and spencer? no. like never. I love Ant and we've been dating since we were 14. I didn't want to hurt Ant and that's pretty much why me and spider kept it a secret. 

"ooo!", darren mentioned making the awkward moment even more ;. Thanks a lot Darren.

"oh shit!", I heard someone else say. 

"Ant, I- I didn't, I'm sorry", I said not wanting to break up. 

"Ant, it's nothing like it, it was an accident I swear", Spider said. I felt him looking into my teary eyes. 

"So it did happen, MY BESTFRIEND AND MY GIRLFRIEND HOOKED UP! wow fuck you two I'm out", Ant says walking out. 

"Ant! stop", I tried following him. 

"Nah man I need space", he snaps back at me.

Woodsy found out about the map and now she's giving up this whole lecture in the hall. I sat with darren and quinni because Ant was pissed at me and I couldn't see my brother, dusty plus my best friend Amerie went ghost after the whole incident. I couldn't even sit with spider because of what happened. 

"Its probably spider or one of those idiots, no offence Lay", quinni said knowing I hang out with 'spider and those idiots'. 

"I don't think so-", I said sounding really unsure. Spider wouldn't do that to me. He promised to not tell anyone about that kiss. We knew it would break everyone apart. Me and Ant. Spider and Ant. Darren snapped me back from my train of thoughts, "It's mostly kids from our year, it's gotta be someone we know".  

"I'm a woke woman, I enjoy sex as much as the next person", Woodsy says. Most people laughed or gaged. "But reputation is everything and this map has jeopardised your reputation and the reputation of our school. And on the first day back, we are currently in the process of contacting all the parents of everyone on this map and we strongly suggest that there are to be no more parties, shindigs or gathos", she spoke again but this time everyone was pissed. We didn't know we wrote the map, and most importantly how did they find out. 

"Miss you can't do that", Ant said groaning because I knew Ms Vaughn wouldn't be happy. 

"Get to class everyone", she announces on her speakerphone. 

I rushed to where ant was sitting and spider was already there. Most of my classes have either Ant or spider so I knew I would have to deal with them. 

"Ant stop, it was a mistake I swear, stop", I said. He didn't say anything so I thought he was giving me the silent treatment but spider spoke up, "She's right Ant-". "JUST SHUT UP SPIDER, YOU COULD'VE KISSED ANYONE LITERALLY ANYONE AND YOU CHOSE MY GIRLFRIEND WHOM IV'E LITERALLY BEEN IN LOVE WITH FOR ALMOST 3 YEARS", Ant interrupted him. I looked at Ant not knowing what to say. I really love him too. I messed up bad time. "Ant-", spider said aiming to calm Ant down. "AND LAY ARE U FUCKING SERIOUS, MY BESTFRIEND? I LOVED YOU AND YOU- YOU USED ME!". "YOU'RE A LITTLE SLUT, AREN'T YOU?", Ant said as he looked me in the eye. He meant it. I knew he did. He just walked away leaving me and Spider dumbfounded. I didn't know what to do.  part of me wanted to scream and cry but I just couldn't, I froze when he said that.

"Wanna skip", I asked spider after a few seconds of silence. I wiped my tears away. I had math with Ant anyways and its better if we don't see each other right now. 

We were walking towards the cafeteria and we saw Harper punching Amerie. A crowd surrounded them within a minute. We rushed towards them. 

"I said I'm fucking done with you", Harper practically screamed at Ams. I was pretty close with both of them but Ams was my bestfriend and it hurt seeing her like that. She was bleeding. I saw Quinni carrying her to the nurses office. I asked Sasha and Missy about what had happened. 

"Why'd she even do it?"

"Crazy bitch"

"Thats honestly so creepy"


"My mum's gonna kill me because of her now"

People started whispering as she came out. 

"Oi Lay!", amerie calls out to me. "So you've picked Harper's side?"

"Dude are you kidding me, everyone's pissed. You broke people up. You broke me and ant. I told you because I trusted you and you- everyone's right, you're just a bitch. I walked away with spider.I don't know why or how but I really trusted Spider. He promised not to tell anyone and he didn't. I did and I deserved everything happening to me. We sat on the staircase and i told him how I felt, I told him everything. I thought he would be mad at me, even a little bit but he was the complete opposite. I wanted to cry, so bad but something inside me was holding me back. 

"Will the following students please meet at classroom 5D", Woodsy said on the loudspeakers. 

"Amerie Wadia, Harper McLean, Sasha So, Missy Beckett, Dustin Reid, Spencer White, Anthony Vaughn, Layla Reid, Darren Rivers, Quinni Gallagher Jones, Douglas Piggot, Malakai Mitchell."

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