Ch 2: Battle of Alnus Hill

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Kirby belongs to © Nintendo / HAL Laboratory, Inc.

Gate - Thus the JSDF Fought There! (ゲート 自衛隊 彼の地にて、斯く戦えり Gate: Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri is written by Takumi Yanai, published by AlphaPolis. A manga adaptation illustrated by Satoru Sao

trademarks and copyrights are properties of their respective owners.

Warning: The early chapters will follow the manga/anime but later on mutate into original written stories, But for now the early chapters will follow the original canon with changes here and there... A copypasta in the early chapters...

It took a day or 2 but the Waddle Dees had built a functioning military base surrounding the Gate, It was rough around the edges considering it was rushed to quickly start the offensive operations, but it was not half-bad.

Mace Knight was overlooking the operations, Susie was making last-minute calculations, and Kirby was currently inside the gate doing who knows what, while King Dedede was watching all that happened, He sighed as he watched the army ready to retaliate against their would-be invaders.

"Hola!" Magolor then suddenly teleported in front of the King

"Aaahh! It's just you Magolor... gave me quite a fright back there." Dedede says

King Dedede then looks at Magolor "I assume the Lor is ready then?" Magolor answered back at him "Ready as it will be just waiting for the coordinates for this world, and I shall be ready to go."

"Magolor, we'll be deployin' so I suggest gettin' ready." King Dedede pointed out "Ah right then. Ciao!" As Magolor teleported away Meta Knight passed by Dedede "Meta Knight how you've been?"

Meta Knight relaxed and answered, "Good, I'm just trying to find a place within the base to contain the prisoners." Meta Knight answered as they both looked at the scene in front of them

"Don't touch me, you lowly other-worlders!" A commander shouted in a foreign language as he was escorted onto the bus "What is he saying?" Dedede asked, "No idea either, Susie is currently busy collecting as much recorded to translate it." Meta Knight answered "Speaking of prisoners, We have successfully captured all of the stranglers, the problem is that we don't have enough space to hold. I was hoping for your request to-" Meta Knight asked Dedede before being interrupted by him "You have my permission, you can go ahead and use my dungeon."

"I haven't finished saying my question..." Meta Knight said in a bit of frustration "I already know what you are about to request, So I might as well cut right to the point." Dedede said honestly

"See you on the other side." Meta Knight said bidding farewell as he uncloaked his cape sprouted batlike wings flew off to who knows where.

Meanwhile with the prisoner...

As the commander was led inside onto the bus, He noticed the other passengers included goblins, trolls, and other low-ranking men. "I-I have to share a cell with goblins!? I'm a Viscount, I-" He was shouting in anger and embarrassment he couldn't believe the disrespect he got, He is a Viscount for god sake, He should be given more respect, How dare they not treat him with royalty, To humiliate him!?, He is not the only one with similar thoughts, of course, aside from the specific individual in question, there were other high-ranking officials and members of royalty who were also taken prisoner.

Hours after the initial assault the other world had greatly terrified the survivors. For hours and days, they sat and prepared for whatever had thwarted their army. Bloodied survivors returned and told horror stories of the other side and the power they hold, many stories have been told about the many things about the other side, but one story stood out and has been told and retold time again and again, The story of the pink demon, The power this being it holds and how easily they utterly crushed a forces double their size in seconds, how it can draw a sword once and slice thru hundred men in mere seconds, The ability to breath fire, create storms of lightning, cause the very ground to shake, cause snowstorms so cold it could freeze armies in seconds.

Gate: Thus Dreamland Fought There! (Gate x Kirby Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now