Chapter 1

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I woke up this morning to my dear twin's incessant shouting.

"Wake up Ivy."

"I said wake up Viviana."

"Wake up right this instant Viviana Knight."

'Damn, did she really have to use the government name??'

"Alright, alright. I am up." I raised my hands in the air.

"Good. Get ready fast and come downstairs for breakfast." with that she left my room.

I got up and went for a shower.

Now, let me introduce myself. I am Viviana Knight, 16 years old. I have a twin sister, Avyaana Knight. She is older than me by 10 minutes, something she never fails to remind me. We live alone in this house, well excluding all the staff. We've been in foster care ever since we were young. Daniel and Emma adopted us when we were little. We lived with them until 3 years ago. We moved away from them when were 13 and started living here. 

Now, you may have a lot of questions regarding this. Wait, I'll tell you everything.

So, the reason for us moving away was that they were alcoholic and I did not want Avyaana to live in that kind of an environment. So, I struck a deal with them. Yup, I was only 13 but I am smarter than others my age.

'not me being cocky!!'

So, I offered them money every month in exchange for them letting us live alone. They agreed for the money and in return, they never alerted the CPS (child protective services) about 2 minors living without a guardian. We changed our surname to Knight when we moved here. I wanted to make a name of my own, so it seemed fit to change my surname.

Oh, and in case you are wondering, how did I get the money to give them and afford a house on my own, I did tell you I am smarter than the kids my age, didn't I? 

Well, I am the CEO of Knight Industries. Yup, a 16 year old is the CEO of a company. I started this company when I was 12 and it was a success almost immediately. Now, it is the top company in the world. No one knows I am the CEO though. I mean I have kept my identity a secret for security purposes. I am going to reveal myself to the world when I turn 18. Only a handful of trusted people know about my identity.

Avyaana knows about me being the CEO and she is the Head of Designing in our company. She is damn good at it too. Anyway, what's mine is hers, so it doesn't matter even if she does nothing. I love her more than anything. 

I am also a part of the underworld, but Avyaana doesn't know about my involvement in it. It is dangerous for her, so I didn't tell her to protect her. I can't get her involved in the fucked up part of my life. I am the world's deadliest assassin and a streetfighter and racer. I also hack and I am pretty good at it too. Ya ya, I know you think I am bragging a lot, but I am saying nothing but the truth.

I also have a lot of tattoos, but she doesn't know about them either. If she did, god knows what will she do with me. She is scary when she is mad.

So, anyway getting back to the present, here I am getting ready for school. I have already graduated school when I was 12, but I still go to give my twin company and also because I have nothing else to do. Avyaana could also have graduated early, but she preferred to get the complete high school experience.

'God knows what is so good in that hell-hole!!'

So, anyway I wore my clothes and went downstairs for breakfast.

So, anyway I wore my clothes and went downstairs for breakfast

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