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                       X events After math.

Noone pov

' Ink What were you thinking? '   dream Started yelling at ink : i i don't know i I'm : Ink try to said Meanwhile nightmare Tells Killer to Attack ink right as Killer go to Attack Killer Suddenly stops when Reaper's scythe is Barely Touching his neck Nightmare goes to attack him but stop when he sees reaper's eyes are blood red ' do not touch my brother do you understand me ' reaper yells Then Reaper Turns around and grabs Ahold of ink going through a Portal dream blue and cross error go to stop them but the portal closes before they could even get them

2 years later. 

Dream pov

me blue cross and nightmare Team we all Went to Reapertale to find ink and reaper but reaperPaps said reaper Left a note that said he's leaving and not coming back blue got a call from pink ( lust papyrus Nickname)  that lust sans and hes Daughters are gone and had the left same kind of note behind error Left and checked the screensaver to find not only geno gone but geno's frisk gone to it been 2 years since the x-events me and my brother made a Temporary truce so we can find them Over the 2 years Someone keeps showing up fixing  the aus that crashed themselves Since error doesn't destroy them much Because the Protector of aus Isn't here We don't know who they are Every time we try to catch them they're gone But they have ink's Brush Out of all of us cross is taken the Hardest and error Isn't acting normal We've tried everything To help both of them but nothing works Ink disappearing has taken The World's biggest effect on them Right now my  brother and I are trying to come up with a plan to find them But we're having no luck

Ink pov

It's been 2 years since the incident me my brother geno lust and his Daughters as will as my little sister Have been living above ground in a Au that None of them knows exist My sister borrows my brush and go to fix the aus that crash So I don't have to go back I don't know what to do I miss cross my other brother And for some reason I longed to see error

A few hours later

I just got out of the shower Putting a long sleeve shirt on a pair of shorts Walking downstairs to go make breakfast I'm usually the 1st one up in the morning Once I downstairs I start making coffee for reaper and geno While the coffee is brewing into the pot  go over to the Stove and start making eggs and bacon When the bacon and eggs are almost done I hear a little Feet running down the stairs with Give me a sign that Mocha and ruby are up I sat 2 plates down at the tables si wen they sit down And soon they start to eat Saying good morning with their mouth stuffed with food I Then hear lust coming downstairs : good morning ink : lust said : morning v : I say I look over the To see Reaper downstairs making he's and geno coffee : morning  brother : I say : good morning ink : reaper said : reaper dónde está? Mai: I asked before
              (Where is?)
reaper can answer Mai Walks into the kitchen : Buenos días Familia: Mai said
               ( Good morning, family)
: mañana Mai: reaper, and I say
   (Morning )

To be continued.

I am so sorry. It took so long to write this. I hope this is good. This isn't as long as I wanted it to be, but this will do for now. Tell me what you think in the comments. Hope you enjoy. Bye  bunnies and foxes.

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