Chapter 2

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Episode 1: Hello it's me (part 2)

She looked at the two trainees name tag. One read Jay and the other Na Kamden.

"Hey ladies gentlemen~ Do what you want to do baby!"

Arin leaned forward, crossing her arms with a smile on her face. The trainee's vocals was something that she was looking for.

Finally, someone who knows how to use their voice.

She dropped her smile as the song started and stared at the duo's movements. She bobbed her head to the music as she became immersed with their stage.

Her eyes immediately went to Jay as his facial expression were so natural and it felt like he genuinely loved being on stage. Then when she thought the chorus would come her attention went straight to Kamden who started rapping his own verse.

She smiled unknowingly, cheering internally. This was what was missing from other trainees. This was what she needed to feel confident with the trainee's talent.

The stage ended and she clapped immediately while the other masters cheered.

Hambyeol immediately grabbed his mic, "Jay, you can sing man"

Jay thanked him with a huge smile on his face. Arin quickly grabbed the mic with excitement, "Jay your vocals are amazing and Kamden, did you write the rap you just performed?"

"Yes, yes I did"

Her eyes sparkled at his response, "That's amazing! I loved how the lyrics matched well with the theme of the song. I'm really impressed"

Kamden had a huge smile on his face as he bowed towards Arin, "Thank you, thank you so much"

However, her excitement didn't last long.

Team after team she could notice some trainees who didn't bother to try, which made her clench her fists.

She didn't mind if their skills weren't the best, because you can always improve. But the one thing she hated was when someone doesn't try their best on stage. It just felt like they were wasting their opportunity to enhance their skills.

"Alright! We're going to have a 30 minute break!"

Arin leaned back, running her fingers through her hair while sighing.

"It's tiring, isn't it?"

Arin looked towards PH-1 and nodded with droopy eyes. "I didn't know it would be this draining"

She stretched out her arms while yawning. The blood rushed to her face as she made eye contact with the boy in front of her.

Sitting back up Arin cleared her throat and smiled. "Hey Zhanghao"

"Arin, I didn't know you were going to be a mentor here", Zhanghao hit her arms playfully, "Why didn't you tell me?"

She rubbed her arms, "I had to keep it low so my presence have more of an impact"

He playfully rolled his eyes and leaned towards her, "You better look forward for my stage"

"You better get all star"

"Only if you let me~" He wiggled his eyebrows making Arin chuckle.

Zhanghao waved bye to Arin and went back to his seat where the G group trainees surrounded him, curious about his relationship with Arin.

"How do you know her hyung?"

Zhanghao placed his hands on Ollie's thigh, "I bumped into her multiple times in Yuehua and she gave me lots of advice"

Zhanghao was jogging in place while singing, practicing for his monthly evaluation. He heard a loud thud and turned around. His eyes immediately widened as he witnessed a successful idol, pushing herself up from the same floor he was standing on.


She smiled while rubbing the back of her neck shyly. "Sorry, I thought this was the dance practice room"

He immediately bowed towards her and she shook her hands, panicking.

"No need for formalities. I'm sorry for secretly watching you practice. I was just amazed with how stable your vocals were. 

Keep up the good work. I know if you practice hard enough you'll become a great vocalist"

She waved her hands goodbye and left the room. Zhanghao placed his hand on his chest, calming his heart that was rapidly beating against his chest.

And those words became his motivation boost. He wanted to stand on the same stage as her and make her proud.

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