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It felt like I was going to suffocate. The air above me was hot, and it provided an odd contrast to the air-conditioned room I just left. Stepping into the tube, I listened to the countdown.

Adwin had been blabbing about my arena costume on the way here. It was all things I could have figured out for myself, it was lightweight and water resistant, this meant heat with the potential for swimming, but I noted the worry in his tone. He was more human than he was allowed to be. He didn't follow me into the room, though. I appreciated this. 

I had left Finnick with a note this morning, getting up before him. I needed quiet. I told him I'd see him in the arena, that I loved him, and that we were going to be fine. Neither of us fully believed that last part but it was worth saying every now and then.

I just needed some time to clear my head and think. The time whittled away too quickly, however, and now I finally heard the calm, feminine voice that said, "Tube lifting".

I closed my eyes and took a deep, calming inhale. When I opened them again, the sun was on my face and humidity surrounded me. I looked around, I took in the water, the beach, and to my right... Finnick. We exchanged a meaningful glance, but quickly looked away. There was time for that later, now we had to focus.

"Let the 75th annual Hunger Games begin." Spoke Caesar Flickerman from the amorphous arena speakers above us. "May the odds be ever in your favor."

Then began the countdown from ten.

The cornucopia was at least a three hundred yard stroke in front of us. Wasn't so much a problem for Finnick and me, but I bet it would be faster to get to the side patch of stone and run. To my left was Enobaria, a member of the Career pack. The last thing I wanted to do was swim towards her.


Here we go.


I held my breath and dove, angling to the right. Finnick reached the stone strip seconds before me but reached to pull me up. We began to run, but I shouted from behind him.

"Find Katniss! I'll look for Peeta!"

He didn't need to acknowledge me, I know he heard. Grabbing a spear he ran to the other side of the cornucopia. Not being much of a weapons person in my games, seeing as I was the weapon, I grabbed at random and pulled two medium sized swords.

Looking behind me I saw Enobaria just now making it to the Cornucopia. I knew that Finnick and I were slightly faster swimmers, being from 4. This was good, it bought me the slightest bit of time to find Peeta.

I traveled halfway counterclockwise around the cornucopia, making eye contact with Johanna as she was pulling Beetee from the water, and finally spotted Peeta.

He couldn't swim, that much was obvious and it wasn't hard to guess why, being from 12. I started to charge toward him, running over the jagged rock out to his pedestal. I hadn't made it far though when I spotted the man from 6 swimming behind him.

"Peeta, behind you!" I screamed.

He paused his dog paddle to turn but he was too late. 6 had pulled him under. I didn't think twice. Dropping only one of my swords I dove into the clear water.

The water didn't sting my eyes even a bit as I opened them to see Peeta struggling under 6's grip, air bubbles rising rapidly from both of their faces. I swam at unnatural speed and sliced my sword through one of 6's kicking legs. Blood drew immediately and even under water I could hear his shout.

I shoved my free arm under Peeta's shoulder and pushed us both up. He was gasping for air and spitting up water.

"Finnick!" I called, knowing 6 would break the surface behind us.

He did, quickly, and this time dove for me. I tried to swing my sword back, but he had my arms locked in a bear hug from behind. I felt Peeta punch his face, hard. He slackened his grip and I managed one last swing of my sword, stabbing the same leg. I saw the crimson fill the clear blue water and this time we were above the surface enough to hear his scream more clearly.

"Isla!" I heard Finnick call, near us.

Before I could shout back, 6 pulled me under water again. He was bigger than me and probably thought he could just hold me under till the canon blew. It wasn't a stupid thought, either, he was stronger than me and held my sword hand in a tight grip. I tried kicking him but it didn't work. I felt the sword leave my hand, and the rising panic that I knew came before near death.

Then his grip was gone and I opened my eyes to see Peeta, holding his breath with my sword in 6's chest. I didn't have time to celebrate though as Peeta quickly started sinking in the water, a panicked look on his face.

Diving further, I gripped underneath his arms and kicked upward with all my might. Shoving him up the best I could, our heads broke the surface and I saw Finnick swimming toward us, Katniss on the rock behind him.

"Are you–" he started.

"I'm fine." I spit some water as I spoke. "Help me get him up"

I could swim well, but it didn't mean I could lift Peeta for long. He was almost all muscle. Once we got to the bank Finnick shoved Peeta towards Katniss and we both pulled ourselves onto the rock.

I wanted nothing more than to collapse on it and catch my breath, but I looked left and could see the Careers negotiating at the cornucopia. Snatching up the sword I dropped earlier, I just grunted.

"We should move, go." And waved my hand in the direction of the jungle.

We all quickly ran and, still breathing with much effort, made it into what we thought was the safety of the jungle forest.

(Okay, I struggled with some writer's block, the arena seemed a particularly daunting task but here we are! I think I know where I want to go now. Hope you enjoyed!)

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