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The writer stares at the computer screen with frustration...eyeing a particular line on the folder.

Last time since edit - 6 months lol.


The writer proceeds to check the messages on his profile.

'Dude? You there?'

'Is this story alive?'

'You doing ok?? Where r u??'

'Where da heck is the update?? It's been a year lol.'

He then proceeds to check the last message from his editor, Tranquil.

'I am still ded. Still need rez.'


In a fit of anger, the writer slams his fists onto his desk.


The writer proceeds to grab the keyboard, mashing the keys like a desperate lunatic as he proceeds to edit the story by himself. Time passes by, one prompt appears on the screen.

Upload story?

Yes               No

The writer did not hesitate.

Upload story?

->YES PLEASE GOD                    No

"Alright, now that I have calmed down I want to announce outright yes, I am FINALLY uploading this dang book! This took way longer than it needs to. I was waiting for someone else me and Tranquil reached out for help editing the story, but they had a bunch of stuff happening and they did not come back for months now."

I decided enough is enough and to edit it all myself.

Tranquil did already have a hand in doing a lot of edits but right now, I am just so desperate to get this thing out because I am being a bad writer by leaving you all hanging."

"I'm not a bad writer...I'm not a bad writer!" the writer whimpers pathetically, huddling in a corner where a pile of empty mugs can be found nearby, devoid of the tea that the writer is addicted to.

"If it means anything I wasn't just sitting around being unproductive while I waited for the story to be edited, a writer's gotta write after all! What kind of writer would I be if I simply forget to write something? I mean, it's not like I am forgetting anything."

*Tap tap*

From the window of the writer's home, a familiar small white glowing creature can be found tapping on the window with a frightful scowl on its face, pulling out a glowing knife in one paw while making a threatening gesture. The writer closes the curtains, obscuring the angry spirit from view.

"Nope, nothing at all," the writer says, pretending that he hasn't seen the angry spirit.

"Speaking of me not being unproductive, I actually have another announcement to make! This makes it a double announcement right? Meh, either way, I am proud to announce since you all seem to love Changed so much, I accidentally started a spinoff book called..."


"This story follows almost everything in the universe of Changed: The Awakening except for one important change. Do you want to see more transfurs? More about the lives of the latexes in the institute? A slice of life? Then you all will love this story! Although I regret to inform you all as obligated by our reader and writer contract in section 2.2c, that this story will not have-"


"-I hope this does not deter you from looking forward to this book but I promise you all will love it! Oh! And before I forget, one of my readers, Delta-Soldier, became invested in the project and offered to create this story's very own Cover Art! Right here!"

"-I hope this does not deter you from looking forward to this book but I promise you all will love it! Oh! And before I forget, one of my readers, Delta-Soldier, became invested in the project and offered to create this story's very own Cover Art!...

Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image.

"Not bad am I right? If you guys happen to come across him, do say hi and give him the praise he deserves!

And also, because of the whole Royal Road thing, we are indeed uploading the story there. Support from you guys and reviews there will be much appreciated. With that being said..."

The writer walks over to a pedestal, with a giant red button. Rubbing his hands together in anticipation, he slams his fist upon it, activating the switch as the room blares red.

"I did say I might end up deleting this old story or something, not 100% sure. Maybe I will leave it up here. Maybe I will upload the new story here in another book. I have no idea what this button does to be honest so I am not sticking around to find out," the writer says, heading towards the escape pod.

"Oh yeah, the link to the new story will be right underneath this comment."

(Or check the comment there or go to Royal Road and type in Changed - Awakening)

"-there it is. So I hope to see you all there! You should probably do that before this place blows up. So yeah! See you all there!" the writer chirps, slamming the sealed door.

The alarm continues to blare as the room starts to rumble, and a bright white flash-

"Hey you, you're finally awake," says a cat.

"Wha-, where am I?"

"Afterlife, quarantine zone 42."

"The answer to life, the universe, and ev-?"

"Yeah, yeah, I know the joke. Name's TranquilClaws, by the way. Don't try and tell me yours, this dimension doesn't like it when non-eldritch cats do that. So anyways..."

I got burnt out editing 144k words of fiction for free and have since settled into the mentor/beta reader role. I think about 50% of the new Changed - Awakening story planner has my paw-prints over it. I whispered the whole alternate universe of this revised story into Dizzy's ear and can confidently say it basically belongs to me now.

"Wait, that was you?" -Very Confused Author

Yes, it was, but all this wonderful final product is thanks to the amazing efforts of our near and dear Dizzy Dwarf. I swear he sneezes and a couple thousand words appear on the page.


Ah crap, he's at it again and I need to make sense of that first draft madness now.

Anyways, this is lore master and perfectionist editor TranquilClaws, signing out.

Enjoy the New Book!


"Book...wrong book...magic book. Where the heck is the spooky magic book? I need Tranquil to help me with this story! Homechanged isn't going to edit itself!" the writer mumbles, digging through the pile of books once more.

Changed - The AwakeningWhere stories live. Discover now