Chapter two

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I got to my room and tried to tell myself that it could still be a nice day as I have felt it would, I just had to not allow this minor incident spoil it for me.
I would take my bath with the 10 minutes window I get before it's my other brother's turn to use the bathroom. Somehow he managed to have he's own allocated time. I honestly felt like that was the best. Everyone should just have their allocated time but I knew I could only keep dreaming. I checked the time and I was still on track if only Henry didn't have to be such a dick. I honestly wondered why he just couldn't be like Derrick.
I know you must be wondering who is who,so here's a little background about my family. I live with my mom and dad who argue a lot, and my two brothers,and little sister. My first brother's name is Derrick,he's pretty chill and he's the one with the bathroom allocated time, Henry on the other hand is such a dick and derives pleasure in making me angry and get on my mum's bad side, then there's me rain,and then my little sister Erica. You can see compared to their names my name seemed kind of not thought of. But well i liked to think that it was their favourite weather,helps me feel better,and no I'm never going to ask them about it, didn't want my only reason crushed.
So unlike Henry, Derrick is pretty matured and doesn't get into all these siblings fight, I like to think we have more in common except ice never been able to successfully get out of a fight.
I was still waiting for Henry to come out of the bathroom so I can use it. I had thought about waking up by 3am to take my bath but if I did I won't be able to go back to sleep and if I couldn't sleep,I'll fall asleep during classes,and if I fell asleep during classes I'd fail and if I failed, I'd become very useless in school and if I became useless, nobody would want to employ me and if I couldn't get a job, I'd be poor and if I was poor,I wouldn't be able to move out of my parents house or even afford food of my own and if I couldn't move out,my parents would constantly make jest of me and if they did I'd be depressed and If I was depressed I'd probably die early. You're probably wondering how I got all that from just waking up by 3am to bath but that's exactly how I am....I tend to overthink things. I didn't know if that was a good or a bad thing but I didn't least not at this moment.
I Jolt back to reality when I hear Henry hitting he's feet on the stairs on he's way for breakfast. Shitttt when did he get out!!!! Now I have less than 10 minutes to take my bath. And forget it, begging Derrick for an extra minute was out of the question because he wouldn't budge. I should probably just forget about washing my hair today. I quickly pick up my towel, rush the to bathroom, realized that Henry hadn't even rinsed the soap lather out of the bath...I didn't have time for this I reminded myself. So I ignore the lather and get into the bath,take my bath and rush back out just in time to Derrick coming out of he's room and heading towards the bathroom.
"I didn't even enjoy my bath" I tried to grumble but Derrick didn't even seem to be paying me any attention. I wonder what's going on with him,he just seems to be in he's own world and in ours at the same time
" Hey Derrick,didn't you hear me?" I asked trying to get he's attention.
"Honestly I didn't,and I don't think I want to" he replied...a little too hurriedly as if trying to dismiss me
" But why" I pushed
" Because it will have something to do with you and Henry's fight again and I don't have enough sugar in me to stomach that" he said and shut the bathroom door
" I wonder what sugar has got to do with him listening to me" I wondered out loud as I walked into my room.
You're probably wondering how my parents could afford for each of us to have our rooms but not our bathrooms well we don't. We have a three bedroom flat and a basement. My parents stay in one, Derrick in one,then I and Erica In the other. Henry prefers the basement probably because he could carry out all he's mischief undetected.
I on the other hand actually enjoys all forms of privacy because the only thing I share in that room with Erica is the wardrobe. She doesn't even sleep in the room,she loves sleeping on the couch in the living room. My mother has accused me so many nights of chasing her away from our room because I'm a selfish child but I didn't take her to heart because I know I did nothing.
I quickly get dressed and rush out just in time to meet my friend and her father who was dropping her off her school. I couldn't even grab breakfast not lunch, so much for a good day I thought you myself.
"Good morning Mr. Frank" I greeted as soon as I got into the car
" Good morning Rain" he greeted with a smile. Such a nice guy.
" You seem to be in such a good mood today,is anything happening?" He went on to ask
" What?, A good mood?" I asked surprised
" Yes,you didn't notice it yourself?" He said looking at me through the mirror.
" I guess" I said shyly.
My friend just sat there on her phone waiting for us to finish our "nerdy, boring " conversation as she called it.
"Oh hey Olivia " I greeted her as a sign that I was done talking to her father
" It's finally my turn" she said with a little bit of drama
" Still the drams queen today then" I said laughing
" What?" She exclaimed holding her chest in a very dramatic manner. The father just kept laughing at our teenage drama going on in the back of he's car
"Well,well well,isn't someone unusually happy today ' she said after we had calmed down
" What?!" I said
" Dramaaaaaa" she said trying to mimick me.
" Whatever" I laughed
" Well what's the occasion"
" Nothing,your father said that too as soon as he saw me." " I didn't even notice I was in a good mood after what happened this morning, I guess it's a good thing I'm still happy" I said
" What happened this morning" Olivia asked quite concerned
"Oh no,just Henry being the douchebag that he normally is" I said which earned a laugh from Olivia.
" Alright"" still doesn't explain why you're happy tho" she said
*Well I just woke up with the feeling " I answered honestly
" You did?"
" Yea"
"Today sure is a good day for us,thank God " she exclaimed with a bit of Olivia dramatic self.
" If you say so" I replied still hoping deep down it went as she said.
" We are here ladies " Mr Frank, Olivia's father announced with smile as if patting himself for doing a good job getting he's child and her friend to school safely
I inhaled deeply as I saw my school building " I just hope today goes well" I whispered
"Of course it will, now off we go" Olivia replied in a whisper as well. I didn't think I was loud enough for anyone to hear me.
"Bye dad" " bye Mr Frank" we said in unison to which he just waved and pulled out of the parking lot and unto the road.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2023 ⏰

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