Caramel frappes

467 31 23

Obama go to his fave bra shop

Hot topic.

He go 2 the worker

'Yo Bruno" he sey

Brun nodd

"Hot dayum" Obama sing

Brunp gown

He h9 dat song.

His tru passion is heavy metal


"No" sey obma

Then silence

"Wot u wot enywey" B asked

"Starbuks" giggle Obama

O no!

He forgot he need a bra!!!!!!!

"OMFG yaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" go Bruno

So dey go to starbuks together

Obama get a caramel frappe

Bruno get a caramel frappe

Ermahgerd. Twinzies.

"TWINZIEEEEEES" they sing and take a peece and pout selfie

"ha ha we so cute" say obama

"I knooooooooow" sey bruno


Michelle was sucking kanyes carrot

"Taste Gud" she sey

"Ikr I used extra special growing spray on them" kenye tell her

"Ooooooooooooh" say midhel as she finish he carrot

Then Kanye tweet:

"Best dey evur with my wcw michel obama"

Jayden reply:

"But if the best day is ever can there really be another day"

Then jayden delet his Twitter


Kim read the tweet

She crie

"😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭" ~ Kim k

She gunna kick Michelle's ass

"Gunna kick Michelle's ass" she sey

And Chloe be like oooooooooohhh snap you go girl hell yah.

Obama and the braWhere stories live. Discover now