For/Ever and Ever

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Lydia awakens to the sight of their spouse, her very proud and virtuous genderless lover who does more so conform to having features associated with women due to their long black hair and their rather voluptuous figure, pressed squarely into her chest as they sleep. Lydia does not wish for her spouse to suffocate even though they do greatly enjoy the comfort that her F cup breasts provide them. Nevertheless, Lydia cushions her palm underneath Es's head, the preferred name of their wonderful partner, and attempts to cleanly roll them onto their back rather than block air passageways by burying themselves further into her bare chest. Considering that she and Es both sleep naked, Lydia's eyes gently scan over their bare body to ensure that no marks or inconsistencies that weren't there the previous morning don't find themselves upon her lover's body. Being someone who proudly asserts their identity, especially to those who do not acknowledge or respect Es's preferences compared to what they were assigned at birth, Lydia makes sure that nothing happens to them physically foremost before checking on them emotionally or mentally due to the nature of where Es works and how people treat others within the same vein or community. Lydia is comforted to find that Es is just as magnificent and flawless as they last remembered, so she then pulls the sleeping beauty into her lap and readjusts Es so that the back of their head now rests against her bare breasts rather than simply forcing its way between them. Lydia, being quite a few inches taller than that of Es, easily cradles them without causing a drastic shift in Es's breathing pattern or demeanor other than the fact that Lydia can now more closely see the satisfied grin on the expression of their peacefully sleeping lover. This sight is why she lives every day of her life to the fullest. 

With her lover in her arms, Lydia begins giving them her patented passionate affection with various nuzzles and kisses to the backside of their head. Although she could do this while they're awake, she gets a different kind of catharsis from doing it so gently that it minutely helps Es have cozier dreams, for there are times that she does this exact thing whilst Es is trying to go to sleep, with strict consent of course, just so that she knows her partner knows she will take care of them unconditionally on impulse alone. Lydia can go overboard with her affection towards Es at times, but Es has always affirmed the crazed nymphomaniac that she can do what they want to them in most circumstances despite her tendency to indulge in her addiction to worship Es. Considering that consent also applies to when Es is sleeping due to Lydia hesitantly bringing it up as something she'd like to try, she often wonders if her actions and fetishiziation of Es cause discomfort for Es that they are not comfortable with bringing up. Every kiss she makes against the circumference of Es's head causes the unyielding fire she has in her heart to surge and radiate against Es as they lie and lean against her, for there is no possibility that Es wouldn't be able to subconsciously hear or feel the heavy hammering of Lydia's heartbeat in their sleep. Finally, she feels the subtle shift in Es's sleeping position and breathing pattern that suggests that the dream they have been having has been changed due to the direct influence of Lydia's love, so she knows that she is ready to gradually and amicably reintroduce them to their lovely early morning love making alarm as the natural temperature of Es's face within her fingertips has begun to heat up. 

Lydia positions her lips against the bottom of Es's earlobe, attempting to whisper to them as if her voice can penetrate the dream realm without directly waking them up, "My Venus—."

Lydia flushes a deep red, completely aware of how white she is, especially after she calls the love of her life, a third-generation Asian Indian-American who proudly identifies as genderless, the name of a planet that is most associated with the Roman Goddess of Love, Desire, and Sexuality despite Es actually not having an issue with Lydia calling them by that nickname. Although the name Venus depicts attributes and connotations that conform to feminine stereotypes and qualities, it is also just a name to Es, and Es can appreciate the passion that Lydia always has whenever she hesitantly calls them 'Her Venus'. Es has worked many trades before landing in the industry they do now, and although Es would try to spin each experience as one that helped shape them become who they are; Lydia knows that her partner was not treated with the respect and reverence they deserve due to how they were laid off or let go from the various institutions Es attempted to step into. Es, despite the fact  that the people of this world would not lift a finger to save Es's life if they had the chance due to underlying prejudice and agendas, wanted to become someone who was known to all as charitable so that those who are uneducated about the struggles Es and the millions of other people who have stories that need to be told can one day help out people like them just as Es does. Es is a jack of all trades by this point, but they have finally landed themselves a job as a licensed private security guard for local corporations that can't trust the police, their local government, or their representatives to protect the fledgling businesses' assets, interests, and sometimes the physical well-being of customers that use the services. Es has been burned many times by institutions that claim to be protecting, serving, and helping the community feel safe such as getting discharged from the armed service for something as simple and minor as wishing to put their preferred name on their uniform, being discharged from the police force due to a higher-ranking officer not liking Es's pride tattoos, and being removed as a ballot candidate for local government representation mere weeks before an election due to other candidates finding their various charity contributions and advocacy for peaceful protests towards causes Es was heavily invested in as unbefitting for someone of the party they subscribe to. Es has tried and still does try very hard to make their voice heard and mean something, but Es's safest space is truly within their bedroom alongside their doting wife of six years, so Es unconditionally trusts Lydia with their soul, every secret within their loving heart, and every ounce that makes up their physical form.

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