Part 32 |Epilogue|

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6 years later...

    After the events that took place in New York, you all get better, and You, Tara, Mindy, and Chad finished school, you all moved. You were all living a great life in a small peaceful town in Massachusetts. You all of course lived together in the Same area, Sam Chad and Tara in room 236, and right next to it you and Mindy in room 237, which both you and Mindy were very happy about since 237 is the number of the creepy room in the shining.

    You had a nice job that was close to home, the town roads weren't great, but that didn't matter since everything was basically walking distance.

    One day you were walking to work, taking your usual route. Through the park, down the road, through the spooky ally, and down that road, nice and easy walk. Getting there was no hassle, you honestly loved it, popping in your earbuds and listening to music as you walked was one of your favourite parts of the small town. Walking home though wasn't as fun, since sometimes it was dark when you left, which made that spooky ally, even more spooky.

    Tonight was different though. Tonight something felt off, you felt like you should take the long route today for some reason, instead of going through the long narrow ally. The ally was genuinely terrifying at night sometimes, especially since the way it was made, you couldn't see the other side. The ally has a slight curve to it, abstracts your view of the other side and what could possibly be lurking in it. You decided against taking the long way, brushing off that uneasy feeling, you were really tired and just wanted to get home. You walked through the ally way, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. But then you heard a rock roll behind you, and a boot scuff. You froze in palace and swallowed hard. You slowly turned to see what was there, praying it was some kind of animal, or wind, anything but another person. It was hard to see what it was at first, your heart rate picked up as you realized it was indeed another person, and they were much closer to you than you would like them to be. "H-hello?" You called to the dark figure. They didn't answer. You started slowly backing up, but the figure matched your pace walking toward you. You turned back around quickly and started to run, but before you could even get close to the other side of the ally, the person grabbed the hood of your coat, pulling you back. The person grabbed your shoulder and pushed you into the ally wall. Breathing heavily, the figure looked down at you, the motion detector light turning on as they did. You slowly lifted your head up, meeting the eyes of your assailant. "No... you... how could it be you" you stuttered, "Ethan... how did you... get out? How did you even find me?" You placed your hand on his cheek, his smile instantly calming you. "It took a while" he paused, "but... as long as it takes. Right?" He asked, you smiled sweetly, completely forgetting that he had literal broke out of jail and somehow tracked you down. As long as it takes" you cooed.

    The two of you looked at each other for quite some time, admiring each others faces, the face you loved and hadn't seen in some time now. You pushed yourself off the wall, moving yourself closer to him, not taking your eyes off his. But he only pushed you harshly back into the wall, this time with more passion than aggression. He slid his hand to the back of your head, holding a fist full of your hair in his hand. He smashed his lips into your own, which you accepted with no fight, you even kissed back. You had missed his touch, so much so you were craving it, you were hungry for it, so was he, and you had gotten it. You broke away from each other, looking into each others eyes with so much love and lust, and then he spoke in a low gravely tone...

"As long as it takes"

Word count: 700+

A/N: that's all folks... But for real now this is the end of the story.

Thank you all so so much for reading!! Thank you to those who were there for each update, and to those who are here now! (And to those who commented, I really appreciate it) you are all amazing! I never expected so many ppl to see this, let alone care enough to read it! So truly, thank you!!! 🫶🫶

!Ethan Landry x Reader! As long as it takesWhere stories live. Discover now