Chapter 1

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The front door slams shut. Nick is left on one side, while his now ex-wife, is on the other.

Nick is quick to open the door, but she is already in her car. "Wait!!" He calls out. "Please don't leave!!"

He runs down the porch just as the car was leaving the driveway. He tries to go after the car as it drives off, but stops once it is too fast for him.

He stares at the car as it rolls away in disbelief. No thoughts were going through his head. Only emptiness. Then a single thought, or word, came into his head.


Why did she leave? What happened?

After standing outside for a while, he slowly makes his way inside, feeling his emotions build up.

He walks through the already open door to see Deliah standing only a little bit away with a frown.

He walks past her, not saying anything and going straight to his room, shutting the door behind him and locking it.

He collapses onto his bed, and let it all out, asking himself a billions questions as to why she left.

His perfect wife...


Deliah watches Nick brush past her into his room. She loweres her head.

She knew why her mom wasnt happy. She always wanted to leave the house and explore with the two of them, but was highly restricted due to Deliah having to go to school, and Nick having strict work days.

And it looks like today was the day she had enough.

Deliah sighs, feeling a bit of sadness build up in her.

At the age of twelve, her mom and dad divorced. She knew why. She tried to spend as much time with her mom as possible but in the end, she knew it wasnt enough.

With another sigh, she left the living room and goes to her room.

She walks over to her bed and sat in it.

She grabs her stuffed animal. A simple bunny, that said a phrase when squeezed.

She squeezes it.

"I love you, Deliah." Her mom said.

"I love you guys too!!" Young Deliah said.

Laughter filled the room afterwards, before the quip stops.

She lays down, putting her blanket over her and her bunny friend.

She looks at it one more time, before closing her eyes, and hugging the bunny.

Silence. Nothing was making any noise.

Until she hears Nick's door open.

His footsteps rapidly approaches her room, before he is seen in the doorway, tears in his eyes, and a puffy face. "Why did she leave?" He asked in a harsh tone.

Deliah sits up. "She was unhappy here..." She mumble.

"It's because of you, isn't it??" He yells.

"W-what?" She says, taken aback.

"You made her unhappy! You caused this!"

"How could I have--"

Nick slaps her, causing her to lay down on the bed.

She slowly raises a hand to her face.

Then fear sets in.

She looks at Nick with fear, before he left the room, almost breaking into a sob.

Deliah is left in pain. Tears prickes her eyes. She closes them, hugging her bunny even more, causing it to play the quip again.

And she cries.


Two years later.

Two years. Two long, painful years of this. Ever since her mom left, life had been hell.

Nick turns to drinking to cope for the divorce, which definatly didn't help his abuse against Deliah.

She was not the same girl since that day. Everyday, Nick would hit her, shove her, and force her to do everything around the house.

She slowly started to become lifeless. Depressed. Everything she was used to, gone in an instant.

The only thing that would give her joy, was her stuffed bunny. Every time after Nick hit her, she would run to her bunny, squeeze it, and smile.

The only time she could get away, was when she went to school. Only there, where she could be herself. Even when some kids would make fun of her, she would shrug it off and move on. Those words they say would never be the same as her own father's words.

She didn't have many friends, but the couple ones she had was just enough.

However, it all would go the other way when she decides to take a walk instead of going home from school. A very eventful walk that will lead her straight to the abandoned Fazbear's Family Diner.

It will change her life right around.

End of Chapter 1

The rewrite has started! As of writing this, I'm already at Chapter 6, so I'm going strong! Yipee

[REWRITE] Springtrap and Deliah: A story about abusive Nick.Where stories live. Discover now